Why aren't there any games about unexplained phenomenon?

Why aren't there any games about unexplained phenomenon?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=dryas impact

Fuck off with your meme thread underaged

>implying this only happens to /out/fags
>not believing this to be an example of the "missing 411"

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There's tons. XHOLAT is a very good one about the Dyatlov Pass incident, although too spooky for most of Yas Forums.

post the rest.

>the man's a ghost

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Because the phenomenon would need to be outside human experience to be unexplainable, and developers are humans.

10+ years of hearing about the fucking Dyatlov Pass. They got hypothermia and went crazy alright, can't we drop this shit already?

uhhh.... Yas Forumsros?!?!

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>clothes were found neatly folded on top of a boulder in 2016

Did this really happen?

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Reminder that it was more or less scientifically confirmed that a meteor hit Earth just 12,000 years ago and caused a near-extinction.

death to frogposters
Also I love how you bought and persuaded the mods to be one of you now. They started to warn me for stupid shit when I tell you to go fuck yourselves.

>that one where the kid vanished and was found naked on a remote inaccessible rock face
What the fuck is doing this?!

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comet actually
google.com/search?q=dryas impact

>people get lost in holes
no shit

Caves are mostly found near mountains. People get lost in mountains. It's just a correlation.

It’s called animal crossing

Death Stranding is literally about unexplained phenomena and hiking

he actually went full beastial berserk mode, and jumped 50 feet

And your mom is responsible for almost all of them.

How is that mysterious

>that case when schizophrenic insane man shoots pastor to prove he is lizard from mars
>shoots him 9 times with hollow points at point blank
>one to head
>pastor survives and is released after two weeks in hospital

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I like this thread, please post more.

a cave dweller wrote this post

I saw that one coming before I even walked into it...

You forgot to mention they were bear hunting rounds

That's what she said.

Well, he showed us that martian reptoids don't carry a vital organ in their heads. This will be valuable information.

>Hollow points
>point blank
>pastor survives
Nigga what

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any documentaries about this?

>Occasionally, people disappear and are not found. Last year another river guide, Morgan Heimer, 22, was working on a commercial raft trip when he disappeared during a hike at Pumpkin Springs. An intensive eight-day search by the park turned up nothing. Heimer was last seen carrying a water bottle and wearing a PFD. A hiker disappeared earlier this year in the western Grand Canyon; searchers have been unsuccessful, says Myers. Four years ago, another experienced hiker also disappeared in the western canyon “and he was never heard from again,” Myers says.
I looked into Heimer case and it was a tight box canyon and he was near the back of the group, how the hell did he just vanish?
Do you think he walked into a rift area or is there something with natural camouflage/cloaking device preying on peopel?

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I believe that ancient Egyptians were Kangz before I believe that they are just as young as the mainstream pretends

He wasn't insane if he was right

Yeah. The prosaic explanation is that people get so cold they feel warm and then undress to cool off. The spooky explanation is faeries

A giant eagle carried him


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Maybe hollow points don't mushroom too well at extremely close range

because they would explain it

>tfw no X-files style investigation game

It's a phenomenon where all of your blood vessels dilate in an attempt to preserve warmth and it makes you feel scorching, so you take off your clothes. It's an instinct from long before humans even had cloth.

Almost everyone who freezes to death does this

yeah it's totally caves and not satanist billionnaire cults

Matthew Pendergrast was a student at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee in 2000; he was within two weeks of graduation. His family resided in Atlanta, Georgia, where his father worked as a plastic surgeon.

Pendergrast was last seen leaving his residence in Memphis between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. on December 1, 2000. He was driving his navy 1998 Toyota 4Runner SUV with the Georgia license plate number 934-PT at the time.

Pendergrast was scheduled to attend a Spanish class four blocks from his home that morning. He never arrived and has not been seen again. He apparently called a friend in Atlanta that morning; it was the last time anyone has heard from him.

Pendergrast's SUV was discovered abandoned in Lonoke County, Arkansas at approximately 2:00 p.m. that day. The vehicle was located on a private dirt road off of south Kerr Road near Interstate 40, parked near the edge of Bayou Meta, a swamp often used by area hunters. It was unlocked and his keys were in the ignition.

About 100 yards away were his clothes: blue jeans, a t-shirt, shoes and socks. His wallet, containing his driver's license and other identification, as well as credit cards and $46 in cash, was still in the jeans pocket. There was no sign of Pendergrast near his vehicle. Extensive searches of the surrounding area produced no clues as to his whereabouts.

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so what case is this?

Wouldn't that be to prevent frostbite? The body does the opposite to conserve core body temperature.

Oh I know it's a real thing, I just suspect that someone who's that cold, or who felt like he were on fire, wouldn't be able to properly fold his clothes.


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Isn't it great? that man is not a human, but of course, you brain washed sheeple will never know the truth.

You do know that there are hidden alien bunkers in there right?

My dream game is a blend of The Witcher 3's monster investigations like the Noonwraith and Botchling, X Files Resist or Serves small town going through A N E V E N T setting and a tone somewhere between Fatal Frame and Twin Peaks the Return.

>unironic schizo
take your meds

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hahaha he typed dilate

It looks like a hunting perch user

you sound like a total retard

Went for a swim in the swamp and drowned, NEXT.