So now that she's finished

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she almost destroyed world

she'll end up looking like this if she doesn't revert?

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>in attempt to make lara more realistic and sjw, they went backward and made her fucking insane

Shadow is my favorite TR game and I've been playing them for over 20 years

Lara, out!

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She's fucked up from 3 straight games of having to endlessly slaughter

I prefer Rise. The game acknowledges the absurdity of Lara gunning her way through hundreds of trained soldiers which is fun. Plus that scene where she almost calls Ana a cunt is great.

you haven't been playing for 20 years because shadow is quite literally inferior to a ps1 game

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i thought she was gonna call her a bitch but not that particularly memorable.

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It's definitely cunt. You can her get the cu- off before the guy slaps her.

lol i should ask rhianna

cute psycho

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wtf wheres the left pic from

Temple of Osiris

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The new masterpiece by Crystal Dynamics Avengers!

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i'm assoooming you was so shocked by how ugly the red haired thing was you forgot which side was right

It's really time for another reboot bros? will she be black this time?

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So when is Lara going to become the rich globetrotting explorer who loves the thrill of adventuring that she used to be in the old games?

Black and trans

ATTN all developers: STOP REBOOTING THINGS. Have the creative acumen and outright respect to BUILD on someone else's creation and lead it in a logical direction. It's the mark of a completely talentless hack that has to throw out everything because of Not Invented Here syndrome.

Soon the last three barley made back their budgets back and crystal dynamics are sick to death of tomb raider so square will probably get rid of them.

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Kinda sucks they tried to make her resemble her voice actor but didn't bother to scan in her pubes and hairy armpits.

Cashflow of da Tomb Raider

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It didn't help that the third game was made in Montreal. Seriously, those people don't have a clue how humans interact with each other. It's like an entire city of autists.

They'll just go back to og lara like what they did with michael myers rhianna pratchett is tr's rob zombie

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nice n gritty

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Speaking of her voice actor, is she a foreign putting on a british accent? Cause she gets a freakin' LOT of the words wrong in the audio logs in Shadow. A native english person should know those words.

I think NuLara's been replaced by the Abbengers. If you look at the gameplay demo, they've ported over the same platforming with the "obvious white paint"

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great pic. mind if i save it?

Save it my friend it's all yours!

Crystal are specialized linear games