I don't understand Animal Crossing. Isn't it just a shittier Sims?
I don't understand Animal Crossing. Isn't it just a shittier Sims?
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No, it's like a comfier Sims.
yes. Glad this threads over.
It's for "comfy" fags and it's the same shitting game each time.
The amount of times we've had this thread you could just check the archive and get every possible answer.
The real question is: Who'd you rather fuck, a Sim or a villager from Animal Crossing?
Why not both?
It’s the embodiment of comfy:
>Slow paced
>Little to no risk or pressure
>Light conversation
Because there are times in life where you must make a decision
I've never had any such options. I've always taken both.
This is a trick question right?
Animal crossing all the way, problem is you can't and the 1 gorillion sex mods in the sims makes up for it
>You will never be able to roleplay a woman fucking all the young boys in the neighborhood, letting them all knock you up
Why even play Animal Crossing?
Pretty much
I'd pick Animal Crossing over The Sims only because I don't wanna give my money to EA.
why does it look like that? is it like it's supposed to look like?
Also, everything is super cute and the NPCs outright look like live plushies.
I'd rather a villager
wtf is comfy
it's like a fidget spinner. you don't do anything but pushing buttons. i don't get it either.
It's Sims with even less micromanaging.
Yes, the creator did that intentionally.
comfy adjective
com·fy | \ ˈkəm(p)-fē
Definition of comfy: comfortable
a comfy sofa
a comfy routine
When used to describe a game, it's a nothing meme word.
>wtf is comfy
Examples are right here
Very comfy and funny!
But that's wrong. A comfy game, or a comfy area on a game, is one that makes you feel comfortable while you play it. So Animal Crossing.
Seeing Ankha or Raymond makes me feel uncomfortably tight in my pants though...
also makes you sound like a colossal faggot
I was discussing with a friend which animal crossing character get the most porn
I know Isabelle is an obvious one and I know Ankha does because of minus8 but who else?
Here is your answer
>mr. resetti is nowhere to be found
who the fuck is going to yell at me for clearing my history then
Why do you want porn of him? Do you find him sexy?
Shouldn't the sable sister be in this list too?
No, because they do not have animal_crossing anywhere in their tag, but here are their numbers