>Buy PS4
>Spend 20 minutes plugging it in
>Spend half an hour setting up the child safety controls, making an account, making a PS account, turning off every privacy invading setting
>Ah finally time to play, put disc in
>Fuck you wait an hour for the disc to install
>Ok can I play now?
>Nope, now wait an hour for the OTHER disc install
>Finally I can play
>Loading screen ever 30 seconds
Truly Power to the Players™
Buy PS4
It's no different from any other system when bought brand new, even PC.
The switch is no more than 5 minutes unboxing to playing a game.
> buy a Switch
> press turn on button
> enter name
> insert cartridge
> play
Depends on the game some games have a required download to play, and if for some reason you want to play online you need to do the same time consuming setup as OP but for a nintendo account
The switch has no software updates huh?
>Spend 20 minutes plugging it in
Takes less than a thirty seconds to plug it in.
Way to get filtered by fucking wires.
Console war threads are for poor kids
they are not mandatory, even if an update is found, you can still launch the game before downloading/installing it unless you specifically need that update for online play
console wars are gay but damn i love shitting on the ps4.
don´t forget, paying extra to being able to play online, fucking scammers.
I can download shit at 50MB/s and it loads fast as fuck on pc
You can replace xbox with ps4 and its the same story, idk why these things cant handle the full power of a 7200 rpm hdd
If a game has 2 discs, only one of them is the disc that needs to be installed.
>physical PC releases in [current year]
>especially ones that aren't just a key and a download link
You're a funny dude!
The games that require a download to even launch are made by fucking 2k or ubisoft nigger jews anyway, which I will play on PC for superior experience.
I bought the Switch for exclusives, and no first-party Switch game has this issue.
Same for the ps4 retard.
Why do you aspergers suck console makers cock while all they do is nick and dime your retarded ass into wasting money on shit like psplus(no good free game in years) or nintendo online(no cloud saves for half their games)
This OP is clearly retarded bait yet here you are trying defend daddy and promote daddy nintendo.
Pirate everything
How the fuck do you spend 20 minutes plugging in the console you absolute retard. It has the same amount of cables as any other console, fucking batteries in the old Gameboys were more complicated because you had to buy those separately.
According to OP's methodology first you need to connect all your peripherals, disable all telemetry, update your drivers, make a steam account and then start downloading the game.
While NSO is fucking garbage compared to PSPlus, you can easily jew it at like 5 bucks a year in a family membership, so it's not that bad for the NES/SNES library access and Tetris 99.
PC gamer here but
>Spend 20 minutes plugging it in
how does it take you even half this time?
>Spend half an hour setting up the child safety controls, making an account, making a PS account, turning off every privacy invading setting
why do you need child safety controls? the rest of that takes like 10 minutes
>Fuck you wait an hour for the disc to install
not like im not used to installing my games before playing sure steam downloads games faster than the PS4 installs them but its not that big of a deal
>Loading screen ever 30 seconds
bit of an exaggeration maybe?
>any other system when bought brand new
That's implying you bought a brand new PC and need to connect and download everything from scratch. You can't start playing right away no matter the system.
theyre talking about how you have to download or install every thing, and it fucking takes for ever to install shit on consoles because they have shitty ass hard drive and the bus lanes dont let you put any thing better in and being able to see a difference
>Spend 20 minutes plugging it in
Are your fingers broken?
but the switch only have 2 games
When you are paying for something you shouldnt have to pay for in the first place its still shit. The connectivity is horrendous too. Try playing nes/snes games online. Shit is still laggy as fuck and broken. Its pathetic. Wow a shitty emulator for my shekels thanks nintendo daddy can you maybe jizz a little more in my mouth next time for animal crossing cloud saves?
Fuck psplus and I dont even use it but at least it works.
>Power to the Players
That's GameStop's slogan, retard
only when you cant count past 2
>Spend 20 minutes plugging it in
Stopped reading there
You are either the most typical, obnoxious falseflagging PCfaggot or a seriously braindead person
20 minutes?
You plug in the hdmi and the adapter
That's fucking it, it's like 30sec if you are slow
It’s called that because you Stop going there to get your Games
>Consolewars are gay
>but I love console wars
You are just. Faggot Sage
can we talk about how shit the xbox1s main menu is