>zoinks is stronger than whoopie
>zio -> mazio
>bufu -> mabufu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>agi -> maragi
Defend this shit
>Dual Wield
>+10 armor
>+10 defense
>explosion/inferno/literally anything but fire4
This triggers my autism
>Having 'pure elemental' spells that are functionally identical but are just better against certain different enemy types
>your own defense never has any elemental weaknesses unless you equip stupid bullshit so you never have to care what the type of your enemy's attacks are
>New variations of the spell are exactly the same as the old but stronger, while just costing slightly more magic stuff
>there are a ton of different spells and they all behave very differently
>the far majority are strictly worse than ~2 of the spells because they never bothered balancing them
>archer class
>shoot arrow
>shoot two arrows
>shoot three arrows
>arrow rain
>shoot a fire arrow
>shoot a ice arrow
>shoot a poison arrow
character limit produced kino names
>iron wepon
>steel wepon
>silver wepon
Silver is actually a shit material for weaponry. And let's not even get started on gold.
Maragi and Maragion are their own line though.
Maagi sounds shitty
>attacks do "colossal" or "severe" damage
how about you just fucking tell me how much damage they do
It's severe then colossal, you colossal homosexual.
what the fuck is brave and how do they make it into weapons
>a chance to proc haste
>may deal a fatal blow
>occasionally steals an item
>Iron Sword
>Iron Sword+
>Iron Sword+, but this one has a green name
>items have colored names
>doesn't follow the typical green > blue > red/orange formula
>multiple colored variants of the same item have the same stats
>rage remains for longer outside of combat
>practice sword
>wooden sword
>bronze sword
>silver sword
>iron sword
>truesilver sword
>gold sword
>mithril sword
>hero sword
>Rogue and archer are the same class
starting with a stick as you desperately try to protect your friends from a little stupid monster or something is comfy jrpg kino
>ground element
>it hits all enemies even the flying ones
>mith does less damage but looks so much cooler
>Thief and ninja are the same
Even worse
>Different tiers of rarity
>You're getting legendary or near max tiers right from the get-go
>this fucking thread
>previous swords have very useful secondary effects but pale too badly in comparison to the attack stats of later swords which have no secondary effects at all
Dunno man, I've thrown rocks to birds and it works
I never got into borderlands and getting an epic from the first boss which felt like shit a few levels later in comparison to a green from a trash mob was part of what put me of
I early WoW days getting your first green felt amazing, and your first blue/epic was even better.
People don't understand that the value of something isn't determined by the label it has, but the context it is.
"looter" games feel pointless when all you get are slightly different drops that almost do the same.
Rock is in fact super effective to Flying because it pins them down, but Ground all happens on the ground which is why it entirely misses Flying types. Ask me why any one Pokémon type is super effective, not very effective or completely uneffective to any other type and I will explain my own reasoning which has helped me remember the entire chart.
Oh you meant ground as in jsut sand and dirt, I though you emand "ground" element as in general,including rocks and maybe crystals and alike.
>fireblah is the most MP efficient
In vanilla, a blue at like level 20 might last you until level 45, they really meant something. If you found an epic then as soon as you could equip it, it would last you until 60 for sure.
Rock is super effective against Flying because you can kill two birds with one stone.
>poison can crit
>bleeding can crit
>burning can't crit
Certainly that's a way to remember it, all that matters is that it sticks in your own mind for easy reference.
Makes complete sense when you really think about it.
Critical poison damage is when the poison reaches a new major organ. Critical bleeding is when a hard pump of the heart ejects more blood. Critical burning?????????????????????????????????????
And without transmog, it also meant that if you saw someone with gear recognizeable as epic/blue, you better skiddadle the fuck out of there.
Old MMOs were really a different time, they really felt like communities and living worlds.
>only have like 3 status types in game
>2 are basically just stuns and the other is indefinite ticking damage with a permanent slow
>less common
>not common at all
>least common
Critical burning is when you fart and the gas ignites further
at least for one entire week on the server I played on, classic recpatured this feeling, until spell cleave and melee cleave dungeon grinding took off and then it became an absolutely soulless chore of the communties own creation, again
When the fire starts burning something major like an organ or your face.
>savage fire
>indomitable fire
>afflicted with poison
>damage from poison can miss
Every time a body part is burned to a dry crisp with no moisture left within it, you take critical burning damage.
Yeah I don't think we can ever go back to that time. The naiveness and lack of knowledge is what fueled them, people had to actively study things or explore to get a grasp of the world and rules.
Now they just check whatever guide exist and the whole point is to be the first to reach the top. People forgot how to have fun.