>Piracy is wrong, i want to support the developers
>But only if their game is on a 90% discount for 2 dollars, haha. I'm poor and can't afford more than that you know?
>Oh, and microtransactions? Devil's work, really.
What is the point? Why not pirate? You're not giving the developers more than a few cents after everyone else gets their cut. Do you just want that shiny game in your steam inventory that you probably will never play?
If you want to support an indie developer, just hoard a little bit more cash and throw them a bone. Otherwise just save your cash and buy yourself a burger or something.
Steam Sales
>Have 10 reviews on Steam with a 90% discount, released a month ago?
No buy
>Have 200+ reviews with a 90% discount, released a year (or more) ago?
Is it 80-90% positive reviews? -buy
Is it less than 70%? -pirate
>Have an overall great game but looks graphically impressive, with no demo?
Pirate to see if it'll work
>Have an overall great game but riddled with dlcs that never go on sale?
Pirate if there's a "GOTY edition"
If not, buy vanilla and pirate dlc's
>Pirate to see if it'll work
Be honest, do you ever do this? I mean, pirate and then buy
i usually play and if i like it enough (which is most of the time) then i pay
Honestly, the only reason I buy games because it's more convenient than pirating.
I don't give a shit about the developers.
I usually just buy stuff so I can freely install/uninstall what I don't need.
Honestly, yeah even with triple-A games. I feel more inclined to play through a game if I actually spent money on it so if it's a good game, pirate to make sure it works, then delete and buy it. If it runs badly, I usually wait for a sale since the cheapness is a compromise.
I use steam because it's easy, safe, has achievements and updates, why i would pirate and risk virus for a worse thing?
Gaben said in some interview, that during discount sales their sales rise by the factor 40. 4000% more sales. So people that wouldn't buy your game full price suddenly will buy. And for many developers that indeed means more revenue than before. Games like gta v will sell nevertheless so you don't see them discounted much, but smaller games actually do profit.
>trying to imply that taking a good deal is immoral
Eat a bag of dicks, OP. You absolute fucking tool.
I sometimes do, if there is no demo around. I used to pirate and not buy. But since having a full time job and disposable income but less time, it's more convenient to buy than to pirate.
I support the devs by paying what I think their games are worth.
For example, I got DOOM 2016 for $8.
All the time. I'll even double dip if I bought it on another platform.
I buy with disccount some old ports that I've already enjoyed (pirated) on older systems
i was talking about the normalization of the price reduction of games in modern times. This does not happen in any other industry. Be it entertainment, or actual physical practice. while reducing prices and word of mouth during sales do lead to increased revenue, it is the hypocrisy of people that i am pointing out. Taking a deal is not immoral, but the mindset of throwing coins at developers as "support" is absolutely childish. This is only the case in these times when Steam dominates this market.
Speaking of steam sales, when is the next one due?
I am trapped inside and bored now that I've finished off my console backlog.
Are you for real? Bargain bins with games have existed long before steam. And I think you're reading way too deep into the supposed morality of all this. People exchange money for product and are more likely to do it when the product is 75% off, that's the extent of it. There is no gay "suppowt the devs :3" undertone here.
Done it like 6 times already, faggot.
Yep. Did it for Rimworld most recently, and sunk enough hours in that I figured it was only right to actually pay for it. Then a month later the fucker fucked the DLC bullshit that costs nearly as much as the base game and broke mods (some of which will never be updated, because the modders don't mod anymore). Some of these devs really don't help themselves.
If a game is available or becomes available on GOG then that means I will never ever buy it on Steam, because I can pirate it whenever I want now
this is the only correct stance
They're stupid for not having a corona sale
Yes. Pirate and buy if I like the game.
Since I play much fewer games than before and am more disciminating, I end up immediately buying all the games I play.
>have game on steam wishlist
>Almost buy during sale
>Pirate instead
>It fucking sucks despite a high user rating
>Uninstall, remove from wishlist
This happens way too often, and frankly it's better for everyone that I didn't buy and refund
This. Back when I was a kid, in a family where we were too poor for 'new' AAA games at release at anytime except Christmas and birthdays, I used to practically live in the bargain and used sections. If they hadn't existed then I wouldn't have been a gamer able pay full price on the titles I'm willing now.
There is a very strange mentality what one thing (pirating, or in this case, the extreme sales) is used to define the gamers that take advantage of them instead of looking at the positive impacts of the practices. Ignoring shit like getting new fans in a niche/unknown franchise or devs work because you picked his game up for 99 cents, and then looked at his newer and more expensive stuff after really liking it. I suspect OP is a struggling indie dev who either can't complete with the offers big companies put their games out for ("entire FF collection for fifty bucks at new years!") or got excited at his sales figures before realising how little money he actually made. If so, sorry user. That sucks.
at least i'm not buying second hand giving money to people unrelated to the making of said game
you do know that you can just play the old version with mods for 1.0
game isn't worth the 90% of the full price
not everyone likes to overpay for shit
Yeah, except now some modders only make content for 1.1. It's not a big deal, most do release for 1.0 too, but it's annoying and the price of the DLC is the dev (who has never put the game on even -20% sale) being a cunt, with likely more to come. The game itself is perhaps worth the asking price. The DLC? Not even close.
Never discount your game during sales. Problem solved.