>FPS game
>Boss appears in a segment before his boss battle but game doesn't let you kill him despite him being out in the open
FPS game
Okay, so ... what the fuck is that from?
Ghost in the shell Netflix series
OP is a faggot and fucked up the joke
Based western "animation". Japan can't compete.
Everything GitS related that isn't the original manga or the first anime movie is shit. The second manga might be decent but it filtered me when I tried to read it a few years ago, just went all over my head.
unironically soul
The Major is trans
Stand alone complex is good
Sorry, here's a more accurate webm
Nah its boring shit
There are 'people' on this board who pay for Netflix
I have netflix for my family
I have amazon prime for myself. Amazon actually releases their anime as it airs instead of that whole thing dumped months later bullshit netflix does.
Why does anyone like this faggot?
How did he get put in charge of a GITS anime?
good goy
same energy
And we thought that one resident eveil film was bad.
>real life
>girl is out in the open and your mental illness doesn't let you to have sex with her
games have come a long way
Where is his dick?
left it in your mom
going to store 2
No. he left it in your mouth.
I thought this was Going to the Store
thash what I said son
>Melee attacks can count as headshots
>Tfw like actually really like the intro
Am I really the only one?
YouTube, Reddit, Yas Forums, /m/ absolutely hate it
for you
Is this real? lol
kek the body guard doesn't even shoot the guy or try to stop him from leaving after they kill the person he was protecting.
I'm assuming the bodyguard is an android and it literally can't see the assassin guy, but this show / movie looks kinda bad regardless.
I have never watched or read any Ghost in the Shell media in my life but I assume this is some bullshit "I got technology that makes it so androids can't see me"
2018 called it wants it dead memes back.
he's probably hacked. in gits everybody's a cyborg with surprisingly easy-to-hack brains and/or eyes
New season of Xavier Renegade Angel?
Actually started watching because of the webm. The series is actually ok, saying that as a longtime fan of GitS. SAC vibes, honestly.
Everyone has a cyberbrain; hacking someones"eyes" or implanting false memories is one of the tropes originally developed by Ghost in the shell.
>games where the henchman are genre savvy
>...and you'll do 5% extra damage