Why aren't you working on your game Yas Forums?

Why aren't you working on your game Yas Forums?

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because i'm not pic related

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use the correct picture next time faggot

I'm studying javascript so I'm close! I'm learning how to use events and shit now

how do i learn how to code

>tee hee I'm a girl coder

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i dont know shit about coding, someone explain this to me

First off all, her code looks like the first thing you learn in a getting started tutorial. It's basically nothing. Secondly, she just filled it with a lot of "cutesy" comments.

She's trying to look smart and cute but looks stupid to anyone who isn't a brain-dead normie.

I'm trying but my perfectionism caused by literal mental illness stops me from progressing.

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I bet she's coding a nice BWC into her game

meant for :

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Can't code and can only draw anime shit. Feels bad man.

me and my buddies are gathering tomorrow to work on the artstyle and divvy out obligations. We expect it to be done by this october due to its small scope.

I don't have a vision to work on and I don't have the discipline to make myself get better anyway.

some incel comparing a quake function that computes an approximation for fast graphics to some trivial code written by someone who is probably just an educator or maybe just some influencer thot

I only work in bursts of motivation. And when i do it, i work it at 8 hours straight like i am on adderal.
C'mon, ask me about my game.

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Because there is no way to make something without Jews parasitizing it in some form.

Great, you made your game exactly how you want it. Now it's time to distribute. Oops, looks like you have consent that Giant Jewish Publishing Company #54 doesn't like! That's gonna need to be censored. Alright, you censored the game and added some things they wanted, now it's time for the financials. Ahh, you're a new developer with little negotiating power, so it looks like that's gonna be a 60% cut for Giant Jewish Publishing Company #54 (plus tip,) 2% to the Jewish payment processing company, 3% for SEO, oh any the advertisement company wants royalties or no deal.

The fact that people think this system is acceptable is mindboggling to me. "Capitalism encourages innovation!" Hahahahahahahahahahah.

Left is some evil pointer hack for square root popularized by John Carmack, the original code had comments after each lines making fun of how impossible to read it is but it's worth it because the performance is incredible.
Right is a retarded baby grade function that return the biggest number between 2 numbers, or 5 if they're equal instead of the actual number. The 2nd condition is useless on top of being retarded too.

Right is perfectly fine.

what makes it a pointer hack?

>else if (a > b && b

god I want to strangle a femoid

Wouldn't you get laughed out of your job if you put such inane comments on lines that even a dog who doesn't know how to code could figure the meaning of?

nvm i googled it

I don't know how to actually get started. I know how to do some coding and want to learn more but can't get over the hurdle of beginning.

Show us screenshots of what you are doing.
Better if art works or in game

Because making graphics is fucking boring.

It s code not a goddamn novel.
Even IEEE tells you to keep it about 30/70 IIRC

>lol I'm so random XD
Fuck you.

Just think of a project that you can build upon learning new concepts along the way.
I started by making a bot for Telegram that you used to play a simple game. Then i just thought of new mechanics for it and researched the best way to implement them.

ranking in wow classic doesn't leave me much spare time

Yeah that s the worst part.
Luckly for you there are milions of free tutorial on youtube to watch.
The trick is to have a simple and small goal, and THEN expand on it

You know how your cursor changes its form when you place it above something like a link? Well, you program that you gotta write something a bit like this:
if: cursor on link then hand; if not arrow

It's definitely more complex as you can see in the screenshot, but i kinda made a simpler version so you understand how many of the "commands" are quickly coded using just a symbol instead of a whole sentence.
The whole Screenshot point is to show how the guy on the left (Carmack apparently, which is pretty cool) coded the thing in a very efficient way so the thing works without a lot of text, while the girl on the right made things "cuter" by adding notes everywhere about what part does what. I hope that helps.

Technically it's just a reinterpretation hack, not a pointer hack.

I don't know much about coding in C, but here's how her code works as I understand it:
This is a function that presumably is going to be used in some larger program. It takes two integers, a and b. The she has an if statement, so IF a is less than b, b is returned (i.e saved by the function to use used in whatever program. This is fine. Then the next line has an else if statement, which says that if a is greater than b AND (the &&) b is less than a, return b. The AND here is completely redundant, there are no real numbers such that b > a and a > b, so why even use the AND?
The final else is the really retarded part, because it is (presumably) possible that a = b. When a is equal to b neither the IF or ELSE IF conditions are not met, and so neither a nor b are returned by this function, instead 5 is returned because lol so randumb xD. So this means whenever this function spits 5 out at you, you have to wonder is " a = b or is the largest integer 5?", so the function fails its task. Maybe a can never equal to b in her program, but even then its redundant and gives the program another thing to do, slowing it slightly. There's also retarded comments all through it.

Fuck, RPG maker doesn't want to start.
Instead i will show you a character design, made in koikatsu since i can't draw for SHIT

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>neither the IF or ELSE IF conditions are not met
should be
neither the IF or ELSE IF conditions are met

I don't know how to code

What the fuck is even the point of the code on the right? It's simple enough to be the first tutorial exercise. Conditionals are basically the first thing you fucking learn in coding.