Did console shooters really ruin the genre?

Did console shooters really ruin the genre?

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You mean TF2? Yes, it ruined the genre.


Focus on shitty composition-based low-skiller gameplay for hats.

>MTX cosmetics
Funny how TF2 started many of the cancers in modern FP games, thanks Valve

the genre was ruined when you stopped playing them and cryed 20 years latter not even touching any of the games trying to bring it back

Yes. Matchmaking is the root of all evil.

No out of touch developers, greedy publishers, lack of creativity and the death of online in game chat ruined it and the empty vain shooters we have now are a result of all of this

>muh it's the developers fault not the consumer that keep buying them
stay fucking mad, consumers are and will always be at fault

Yes by popularizing matchmaking and destroying community run dedicated servers. Now instead of having open online where everyone can do their own thing customizing servers, you are restricted to one specific way of playing as the dev intended.

This. People would still buy and play games with a server browser, just look at BF3. They just went with MM because the devs wanted their game to be an "esport".

>dude some people pay for microtransactions and and other bullshit so it's perfectly fine to add even more bullshit and charge more
This line of thinking is killing all forms of media

you didnt buy the decent arena shooters when they came so what did you want them to do keep making a dead genre no one plays any more where the fuck were you when toxxic was a thing

Battlefield 3 found a way to monetize community servers, and you still couldn't use mods.

online killed couch coop, which is way worse.

>All the shit people gave Modern Warfare 2 on PC for not having server hosting was over a decade ago

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The fuck are you even rambling about?
More than just arena shooters have been ruined by corporate greed.

>all those 12 yr olds you called fags are graduating college right now

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It didn't. This anti-Valve narrative is retarded.

what am i talking about im talking about the tread

TF2 and CS:GO literally sparked loot boxes in AAA multiplayer games, what are you even on about?

>tf2 was the first game to be team based and classes
are you retarded?

>introduced shit controls the developers had to compensate for
>introduced centralized, developer controlled server architecture
They certainly made it worse in some aspects.

I remember that shitstorm. And despite all that, people bought it anyway and it became standard practice to not have dedicated servers.

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question who gives a shit if the game is good at least with csgo they support and update the game

Constant reactionary balance patches are for reddit.

I guess fuck the free maps and game modes

Nah, PC fags ruined PC gaming through piracy and being entitled babbies so developers who poured their heart and soul into these games just so some babbies can bitch and send death threats just moved to console development. You think all the f2p shit is a coincidence? That's like the only way to release a higher budget PC game these days and have people legit play it.

If Fortnite were released for 40 bucks no microtransaction with full mod support nobody would've bought it, people would've pirated the game, people would bitch about how its not Unreal or Quake, would've bitched about the graphics, and the game would've died in a month. Remember Crysis? It sold like shit initial, most pirated game on PC at that time, so much so that the sole reason they moved to consoles was because of this.

The reason shooters died was because BC babbies are the most entitled sonuvabitches on the planet, no respect for the medium, no respect for the art, zero respect for developers. Then the whole PC mustard race shit started and PC gaming became the most cancerous fanbase on the planet. I'm fucking glad games like Europa Universalis, ARMA, DORF and Asseta Corsa filters all you faggots. Not only do I enjoy my Xboner but I enjoy legit PC games, ones that require all those fuckin buttons.

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When it comes at the cost of the community being able to do it themselves and spread them freely, yes.


are you?

No they didn't. Including them first doesn't mean they're the "spark" of the trend.

hot take bro

you can literally make maps and custom servers in tf2 and csgo they both have server browsers and valve supply's map makers and documentation

clearly I must be for talking to a retard like you

aw yes all those years of piracy all way existing and company's always making more then satisfying profit, it was because consoles were more profitable retard

Not entirely. What ruined shooters and everything else, was the conflation of all platforms into one big pile of shit. Every system, or every platform had its own ecosystem and every game was design with a specific ecosystem in mind.

Today games are designed for all platforms, but they start with the "weakest" one. That is, sadly to say, the console. As long as it runs with stable 24 fps on a console, it'll run on your average toaster as well. The same goes for its additional content, like multiplayer. Dedicated servers/community servers were sacrificed for quick matchmaking or they'd have had to either create both multiplayer versions or have console players wait for PC community servers.

All that coupled with political correctness and going public ruined it.

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