Reminder that if you buy a ps5 you're inviting big brother into your home

reminder that if you buy a ps5 you're inviting big brother into your home

Attached: built-in microphone array.png (1250x854, 272.05K)

so i should also throw away my laptop and phone?

you can disable it

>except mic is not in a powered/hybernating system BUT in
switched off controller THAT needs to be completely off OTHERWSIE it will die after 10 min gameplay

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better burn my android device

you can think you disabled it

honestly, who the hell asked for this? dumbasses blasting their background shit will multiply. Everyone already has a mic.

Button below the home button seems to be the mute button, regardless, this is going to be absolute hell while playing any online game. Tons of people not muting their mic.

Yeah you can totally "disable" it. ;)

Oh no! I hope they don't hear me heavily breathing and swearing about the game I am playing! They might use it against me once the New World Order takes over...

>system spies on you
>phone spies on you
>computer spies on you
>not long until your children spy on you
>big brother is always watching
>we've always been at war with eurasia
Kaczynski was right.

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>adopts the true causes of our oppression in order to divide us further instead of uniting us against the systems
This is the enemy. Unite. Dismantle.

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>DS4 has built-in mic
>when PT used it as a gameplay tool without telling anyone, people said it was genius
>DS5 has built in mic

people really can be a bunch of arrogant conspiracy idiots, who gives a flying fuck about some random gamer nobody who will never do anything with their life?

>create epic gameplay content

>DS4 has built-in mic
I'm pretty sure DS4 just has a speaker not a mic.

>implying uniting to overthrow the system isn't what they're hoping for
>implying they're not just looking for an excuse to stomp us out

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>puts masking tape over mic holes

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it doesn't though
it's this

>ps4 has 108.9 million units sold
>some random gamer
>implying celebrities don't have consoles
>implying bankers don't have consoles
>implying government workers don't have consoles
>implying politicians don't have consoles


>t. literal brainlet incapable of even considering data sets and data aggregation over decades who not only wasn't concerned with the leaks Snowden revealed but considers him an enemy to Americans and freedom everywhere
damn dude you're like really really dumb for real

...and that's a good thing

Weird how faggots here lead a crusade against Kinect because the NSA will spy on you, but an in built mic into every controller is totally fine.

I guess thats just none of my business though...

Advertisers did

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>Press the mic off button
>Problem solved

that is literally any device with a mic. if you don't want to be spied on then you have to physically break or disconnect the mic connection inside the device.

>Your phone listens to everything you say
>jewgle, faceberg and a dozen other corporations painstakingly monitor every page you watch
>da gubment runs subliminal messages everywhere
>b-but my videogame
You either go off the grid or you stop bitching.

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Hi I just came to remind you that voice input devices have been tested to death for data collection and they came clean.
Not only that but verbal input is literally the most worthless data collection method imaginable.
Creating a personalized advertisement solely from the shit you say while walking around the house is virtually impossible.
Your cookies, browser history and telemetry absolutely blow it out of the water in this regard.

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Reminder that if you have an internet connection of any type you've already invited Big Brother into your home.

>open the controller
>localize microphone
>cut the fucking microphone

Today it's advertising data. Who the fuck knows who gets their sticky hands on those backdoors tomorrow. Corporations and government are merging into one entity, and this entity isn't your friend. They want to get rid of you because you do something undesirable that isn't outlawed yet? Just leak 5yo mic record of you saying "faggot" in your home and suddenly swarm of golems burning with desire to lynch homophobic nazi is upon you and ADL calls to your employer demanding them to fire you or else they will be spreading info that company employs an extremist all over the country.
But whom I even explain this to, you probably think that powers that be are filled with your friends who want only good for you.

you know we literally have software that can perfectly emulate someone's voice right now, right?
If someone wanted to sink you badly they can do it already.