Play Inazuma Eleven
Play Inazuma Eleven
People last longer than a few minutes after penetration?
No, that's counting 9 minutes of fourplay
I don't about you guys, but my dick quickly goes numb to any sensation after a minute with a condom on. Shit is suffocating, but I guess it helps me last.
A girl left me because I "last too long" in bed. She thought I thought she was unattractive I later found out. Women are weird.
die norms
I'm waiting for Ares to come out.
But its been delayed again.
I guaran-fucking-tee you that had nothing to do with it.
>10-15 minutes
>there are people in this very thread right now that cant last atleast 30 minutes minimum of constant spiritually bonding love making
Sounds like you were bad at hittin it or she was just used to some freaky shit.
Didn't they restart the project to have it be some sort of crossover between original IE, GO and Ares?
I don't cum from PIV but my SO doesn't mind, more dick for him, usually like an hour before they tap out
El ogro de las inazumas..
Have sex.
you doubt him but my cokehead sister said the same about her ex. she said he must find her ugly to last so long to cum. completely ignore the fact that he’s dating you and fucking you and constantly going out on dates in public. Women are fucking stupid
Beunos Dios Mandy
El retardo Blanco Gohan
That's a female's way of avoiding confrontation by presenting a fake reason which could be interpreted as positive.
She's on at least 2 layers of being a pussy.
She bit me fairly hard one time but it never happened again after expressed that I was not into that and you need to ask when doing shit like that, so maybe.
How about both?
Fucking KYS. This is an Inazuma Eleven thread.
Well, I can edge myself and stay hard for like 2 hours. I haven't tried benis in bagina though.
>no competitive scene
Yes there is, every woman you’ve ever had sex with compared you to not only her previous fucks but her fantasies of people she’s yet to fuck.
Ironically, virgins even more so, they will constantly be thinking how other men compare to the point of obsession.
No U
Are you sure it has nothing to do with the girl getting her kicks and having to sit there and please the guy well after? Honestly, once my wife has had her fill, I don't mind just stopping then and there, even without cumming. I can always jerk off later.
Pregnancy is the postgame OP, eugenics, relationship management, and a stat management quest for your kid that determines if you get a joke of child or a worthy successor to your legacy that will take care of you as your body fails over time.
but I don't like using a stylus
>game has badly made [genre] elements tacked on
this is a bitch mentality. 90% chance I have to do all the work and now I cant finish either because “heh I already came honey go jack off I don’t want to lay her more”
pregnancy is the bad end, you fucked up
Sex is just horrible for me. I cum in 10 seconds first time and can last more than an hour the second time. I ask my gf to do a handjob first time and in 5 minutes I’m hard again and ready to go, but I don’t feel shit and can’t cum, while my gf cums in like 5 minutes or so and then her pussy becomes dry. Sex is so fucking annoying.
>no competitive scene
Also Level-5 used to be my absolute fav developer in the DS days but today I wouldn't trust them to find their own dicks if I glued their hand to them.
Wasn't that the arcade game?I guess don't use that pic for the OP next time...
Sure thing, man. Maybe having an orgasm isn't the mind-blowing experience for me you gamers seem to have. Shooting my load isn't the be-all end-all of my existence. If I can make her happy, good for me. She offers to finish me off every time, but I don't always accept.
>only two hours
If you can't stay hard the entire time you're edging you gotta start exercising and eating right.