How can Aerith even compete?

How can Aerith even compete?

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she cant and thats a good thing!

by having superior cetra genetics and not some mongrel gook blood

Years of sucking dick for dirt cheap has given her super blowjob skillz. Tifa is literally Heather Brooke tier

Girls with smaller boobs are better because when you hug them you're closer to their heart

By actually being a positive influence of Mr. Gainsborough-Strife

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You're just a heartlet.

What happened to the ethics department?

By sitting on my lap

I don't even know why this is still a debate. One is fucking dead, the other is not and has nice milkies. End of discussion.

By not wearing a bra in that dress.

I fucking hate you weebs, noone talks about the gameplay, the characters, the world, it's just waifu bait. Pathetic

if you didnt notice that Aerith has way more ass than Tifa then thats your fault

>yfw you have a choice of saving aerith but fucking over the timeline or letting her die and restoring things to the way they should be

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aerith is confirmed used goods
tifa isn't as far as we know
/thread so you don't have to

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By having pointy tits vs plastic balloon tits

Where do you think you are? r/games?

By not living with a black guy with another man's kid.

would you like to talk about time jannies?

Put some clothes on you skank!

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Aerith seems like the sort of girl that looks and acts sweet, but the second you turn your back she's off somewhere getting penetrated by another man.

Tifa has the personality of a wet blanket

>20 years old

Tifa's confirmed too.

>I don't even know why this is still a debate
Yeah i know, one's the canon love interest half the narrative is constructed around and the other is mostly tease only horny fanboys force into the non-existent debate

by sitting on my face

Tifa has huge personality.

It's not their fault the game's writing is so shit that the only good thing left is the waifus.

Thinking about getting a PS4 just to play this shit
it seems very fun

Tifa and Aerith are for boys. Scarlet if for men.

Attached: Scarlet_from_Final_Fantasy_VII_Remake_render.png (460x1158, 163.88K)

It's only a timed exclusive, PC version is coming.

Let's not try to pick a favorite between two superpowers please.

Any idea when? I've been trying my hardest to avoid "spoilers" even though I played the original on release

>Scarlet is for manchildren with mommy-issues

Mommyfus are just the superior taste. If a game doesn't end up with you icing some mommy's cake and have lots of babies together, it's not a good game.

Doesn't Shinra have a dress code?
Scarlet is a boss
She can wear what she wants
But Reno, he looks like a gigolo
