>First Inafune
>Then Kojima
Which "legendary game designer" is going to be shown to be a hack fraud next?
>First Inafune
>Then Kojima
Which "legendary game designer" is going to be shown to be a hack fraud next?
Inb4 niggers say Tetsuya Nomura.
He was never a legendary game designer though outside of the KH franchise.
DS3 and sekiro were already shit
I liked Mighty No9
my fucking sides
>unironic nomura fan
I think he was pretty much peeled off the high chair for Zelda games with BotW. Wasn't some else the director of it and Analuma was just an advisor this time?
Not shit but mediocre
but this
Hideki Kamiya when he returns with Bayo 3 and shows how he learned fuck all
If I were a fan, I'd blow him, but I'm not a wind direction machine, so you're fucking WRONG and gay for even thinking about his cock in my mouth.
Zelda got stuck in a rut where it rehashed Ocarina for like a decade, so it needed to change. If anything it's still pretty tepid about adopting open world and equipment/builds into the gameplay. The Zelda games were once extremely revolutionary but then they are playing catchup.
>Legendary game design
Pick one
None of his games are shit except Dark Souls 1
i dont care
nomuras a retarded faggot who thinks he can make some sort of original magnum opus when all he does is produce garbage
he's unironically SE's Hideo Kojima.
Imagine hating kojima when he's one of the only big names left in the industry who cares more about the games as a medium than as a source of income
He breaks his back to put out retarded shit he knows won't sell well because he thinks it's COOL and unique and doesn't give a fuck about breaking sale records. How many modern devs can say the same? You niggers are just salty that YOU didn't like the game, because it wasn't actiony enough or didn't fellate your balls or some shit.
Seems to me like everyone loves his game design. His Kingdom Hearts combat gameplay has drastically evolved/improved and even ended up in FF7R and the world is praising it. It seems like people love Nomura's games for their combat and for their mentally retarded, not to be taken seriously, convoluted stories. Nomura, by himself, is the last man at Square Enix with a lick of talent and balls to keep that shit hole from collapsing. He is their final fucking pillar. If he falls, then all they'll have left is Naoki Yoshida, who is a soulless roach when it comes to how he approaches game design philosophy, and with Yoshida behind the wheel for FFXVI, you can kiss SE goodbye forever.
>Walking sim
You need to get out more. Most people give zero shits about KH
Name literally one game that does what death stranding did
>user doesn't know what simulator actually means
Listen newfag, we call shit like Outlast walking sims as a joke. Just pressing forward isn't simulating walking.
Most people give a shit about FF7R though, which he is behind. Like it or not, faggot, Nomura made a shit boring game into something entertaining and the masses love it.
Literally Walking Simulator.
>when you're so new you don't even know that walking simulator was a mocking term for a game with literally no gameplay, and that a game about literally walking isn't inherently bad or lacking depth
Also thank you for showing you couldn't think of a single game that did what death stranding did.
He did. It was Walking Simulator
Based retard.
His best game is adapting some shitty fossil to the modern era while also shitting on it with retcons. Will this game stand the test of time? No. Because there's nothing profound about it.
The reason it won't stand the test of time is because it's episodic.
back up unlike kojima inafune actually had some great games