Is there a definite genre word for games similar to Dark Souls besides Soulslike?

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Mediocre games applauded by try hards

Action Adventure.

>Mediocre games applauded by try hards

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Yes boring of pieces of shit

this, just like zelda.


Action adventure or corpse run.

> Is there a definite genre word for games similar to Rogue besides Roguelike?


checkpoint action game
it sounds retarded but so does "character action game" and people won't stop saying that

Games for grown ups

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Rolly Polly Swing and Soully

"bound to fail". the only one I can think of that succeeded is nioh.


Pretty much. Difficulty has no bearing on the genre of a game. It's just action and adventure with things in them that have been taken to other games.

It's not about difficulty. Zelda and Dark Souls are very very different games. Uncharted is also action adventure so yeah doesnt fit.

I mean, no game is going to be the exact same in a genre.

Action and adventure is literally defined in the name, you travel to various locations and fight enemies in the most basic sense. So yeah, Uncharted and DS would fit into the same category, they are wildly different, but the core elements of the genre are there.

What's your point?


So if someone is asking for a game like Dark Souls you think they should ask for action adventure games? And you believe they will receive recommendations for games like Dark Souls as a result?
That's some 10/10 logic, user.

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Are you dumb or just trying to be an idiot?

If you use basic common sense you'd know the answer. If someone asks for an action adventure game, I would be inclined to recommend DS and Uncharted. As I said, different, but of the same genre.You take into consideration what they liked about a particular game and recommend another based on that. Do you really think games of a genre are carbon copies of one another and if they aren;t they're a different genre?

Whew, user, you must have a lot of genres in mind.

retarded shitposting contrarian mutts




Yet every other souls game has outsold Nioh

They are not looking for action adventure games. They are looking for games like dark souls but cannot use the term 'soulslike' to specify. You recommending Uncharted to them goes to show how retarded your concept of blanketing a massive range of games under a single term is.

Just call them The Video Game.
Ban all other genres since they're soo shit by comparison.

If there's one sentence to describe the entirety of Yas Forums - it's this one.

>duhhh zehwda an dark sool not same!
>unchartod on zehwuda same!

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no, but if they said same genre then yes. like music, there's bands in same genres of some of my favorite bands that i hate

you are almost there, just a few more brain cycles...

Action game with 2 buttons to attack and a dodge button with lockon