XC: Choose from either the original or remastered soundtrack
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>the one thing i was worried about isnt a problem anymore
god this is gonna be fucking good
Fucking based.
actually amazing addition as said
>Xenoshit Borenicles sells less than Golden Sun Dark Dawn
>Golden Sun is dead while Xenoshit still gets games
How the fuck is that fair? NOA had no faith in Xenoshit,
>NOA had no faith in Xenoshit,
Apparently they had more faith in Xenobased Chadnicles than they did in Dead 'n Done.
Cope zoomer, NOE was the one that localized the game and gave it a proper release, Amerifats had to use a petition just to bring it to their shithole.
i preordered the collectors edition with the purpose of re-selling it for a lot more to some dumb cuck, but now i chcked amazon and there's apparently a new batch available? it's no longer sold out. maybe my plan won't come to fruition and nintendo wisened up to scalper bros
Thank FUCK
Yeah the new remastered tracks where SHIT
And how many Bring Back Golden Sun petitions have been successful?
This is a good result
>NOA had no faith in Xenoshit
That was before it came to North America and became a success.
Can I choose from remastered and potatoe? This is important
XBC2 sold better than any Golden Sun game.
Please tell me they didn’t change the gameplay
We got the GS game we wanted; it was Dark Dawn. It's over, it's ogre, it's dead Jim, it's what we wanted but it wasn't good at all. LET GO
>Sells less than 1 million
Ok retard
Kenoblade is better than Golden Sun, but it is bullshit that Golden Sun is dead for no fucking reason.
GS 1 and 2 outsold XBC1 and X, it's not fair that shit gets more chances despite flopping while GS is dead. Nintendo is truly retarded.
It sold it's entire stock, so yes it was a success.
Camelot is dead as well, that sounds like a good reason. Only hope for a revival is MassiveHeero Soccerguy in both ways.
That's because it was limited to one store retard, not because it actually did well, those numbers are really low.
>it's not fair that shit gets more chances
I would say it's equally not fair with XBC's entire launch situation in the west and the fact that Xenoblade Chronicles X is an incredibly niche JRPG that released on a system with a total of 13 million sales. Now tell me how many sales the GBA and DS had. I'll wait.
>Camelot is dead as well
But they're not? They made Mario Tennis Aces just a couple of years ago, we'll probably hear of their next game soon.
If you sell something and make money, it is a success.
Shocking, I know.
The only thing I’m still worried about is the resolution in handheld mode. XC2’s visuals are fucking embarrassing unless you’re playing it docked, and that’s a shame because it’d be a perfect handheld game.
Yeah it's now a 4x with Dunban leading an army against the Mechon
Ah yes, Xenoblade was such a failure, that is why it now getting it's SECOND remasters [New 3DS and Switch].
By that logic, Zip Lash is a success because it made money
Absolute retard, Xenoshit is a FLOP! under 1 million is shit.
If you think the Camelot that made the complete version of Mario Tennis Ultra Smash is the same Camelot, boy; you're naive.
That's really neat
Kill yourself weebshitter, even Wario Land Shake it outsold Xenoshit and that was considered a failure
You see this shit? It's not fucking fair that games sells more than your shitty weeb franchises are dead while your underperfoming series is alive.
>Choose from either the original or remastered soundtrack
imagine the file size
xenoblade is the new FF to me
All remasters should have this option. Loved it in FFX (though the remastered soundtrack was so much better).
The studio is still not dead though, it doesn't matter if you don't like the shit they're currently releasing.
>Wario Land Shake it outsold Xenoshit
It was also stocked up the ass because it was a fucking platformer featuring a mario character.
Meanwhile Xenoblade was a literal who anime rpg, Nintendo Europe didn't see the market at the time which is why it didn't have as many copies printed. And that's also why the game is impossible to find in physical form, because the supply couldn't keep up with the demand. People wanted the game but they couldn't fucking get it.
You're unfortunately too stupid to understand how it all works so I might just leave you here because you're genuinely retarded.
5gb max.
>Getting profit = success
It works both ways y'know, if you still go for that you'll hit a wall.
Honestly? I'm somewhat happy for the people who get to choose from the OG soundtrack, if that's what they want. I'd still experience the game with the remastered OST just to hear how things have changed, though.
You'll continue getting upset at Xenoblade fans for no reason, but honestly Xeno has multiple factors as to why it's still around. Takahashi was apparently really cool with Iwata before he passed, and it's really the only reason why Xenoblade is growing as a series now. Dark Dawn might have been so shitty that it fucked the series for good.
They're not hiding it behind some dlc shittery right?
Xenoshitfags are truly autistic, imagine defending this shit
This. It's best to let user wallow in his sadness, because he apparently has a grudge for no true reason. Even if Golden Sun is completely dead, sperging in here won't bring the series back.
>ditches the whole "XENOBLADE IS A FAILURE" argument and tries to change it to something else because he knows he's wrong
lol keep up that seethe
Oh, silly boy. Just seek the info, hint; Iwata gutted Camelot instead of just killing it
Nintendo have had a lot more time to learn how to work with the switch now at least
Shitting up threads about games you hate is peak autism
I'm not replying to you anymore, so have fun being blasted.
It is a failure retard, your shit game sold less than a million while games that sold more are gone. You are defending bad business practices and are responisble for people losing their jobs and fans being upset.
Sold at the first day.
Preordered now.
>you are responsible for people losing their jobs because you like I game that I don't
what are you even rambling on about anymore you fucking nutcase