Dad comes home from work

>dad comes home from work
>that look on his face when he sees you sitting on the computer

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>dad comes home

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Used to fucking hate this when I lived with my parents. Mum would get home at 4:30pm and say hi to me, she'd stick her head in my room and I'd be sat there in my dressing gown, red eyed up to the max cause I've just been smoking all day, playing WoW whilst the sun is blazing outside. Used to feel like a real fucking sack of shit. She never said anything about it to make me feel bad, but I always felt an immense amount of shame.

who cares what that fag thinks


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>check cubbard
>no ibuprofen

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>he still lives with his parents or family period
Why? Theres no benefit to it past the age of 16.

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t. kike landlord

I make shit tons of money
Turns out it wasn't a waste of time, dad
Get rekt

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>bro, just buy a house lmao

>Computer time was limited to two hours a day when I was in high school
>But TV was fine to watch as long as I wanted.
Anyone else experience this? Why were parents like this?

Except for, you know, saving hundreds of dollars a month on rent, being surrounded by loved ones, and having to do less menial housework because you split it between family members.

They were trying to make you dumber.

>hear dad getting home from work
>hide away until he's settled into watching some tv or going to bed

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t. mr. goldstein

>dude just go out on your own
>it doesn't matter if your income isn't stable, just find some wageslave work lmao
This is why Americans are poor, depressed and live like shit.

>come home from school
>dad is playing video games on the computer
>shows you porn he saved while you were away
>spends rest of day talking about dumb fetish shit
I come here to vent my hatred on you all because you all remind me of him.

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They're trying to turn you into them

This, I left his ass a long time ago. Stupid hood rat chasing retard.

I see the jew brainwash is strongly ingrained in this one
ahh... being american must be suffering

Why do Americans hate their family?

Why are you so obsessed with Americans? Jealousy?

Because you posted something that Americans do and we responded?

They feared the computer, they wanted to limit what they didn't understand.

prove him wrong

no because my parents weren't retards

>Bro just go buy a house
You still live with your parents.

What's wrong with that if they have a big house?

Trying to get on my feet bro

a couple of my older college friends got kicked out once they turned 18. i don't know if any other country does this or if it's just an american thing

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

This is how trannies and niggers respond to criticism. Not surprising since youre amerifat

Jewish brainwashing

Dad is stressed over being responsible for the continued survival of everyone
Mom is largely useless except to do menial shit, she is devoid of personal responsibility or accountability due to being a woman and can bail out at any time
Son can't contribute yet and is a burden and a disappointment and most of all nothing like what mom or dad expected or wanted
Mom feels resentful of being regarded as just a woman, thinks her contribution goes unappreciated and either wants to help with the burden of decision making but us forbidden or can't and thus feels powerless and helpless
Son feels all these things but can't out those feelings into words and thus has no power or understanding over them

It's an american thing back from when you could buy land and/or a house for a song.
And that comes from the earlier days of the country when the answer to any possibility of trouble was "lol if anything happens we'll just move more west"

Manifest destiny

Nothing, moving out is expensive.
Also, if anons parents have a big house and that's why he's still there then that contradicts his own point.

I was about to get a loan to buy a house with but just before I did a bunch of shit happened at work which resulted in me quitting out of self-respect. Maybe I'll just go move in with my friend in the city for a while, I have a lot of cash saved up from when I was working while living at home.

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Literally the max punishment for crime was exile rather than execution
"A fresh start somewhere else where no one knows me" is still an American cultural thing

>We're less related to our own parents than Euros are to their neighbors

I want to give my children's children a home.

I can play warhammer without paying all my part-time money to some fucking apartment i will never own

El americANO

Maybe he's in this thread right now

Is it really that easy to rent an aparment/house in America? In Sweden you have to pay to be in a housing queue and sometimes have to wait up to like 5 years in most cities to be able to rent one.

>New thing bad. Old thing good. Unga bunga.

>dad throws my PC in the garbage, saying I don't know shit about computers and just know how to play video games
>fast forward
>in a PhD program, he asks me how to fix computer shit all the time
>tell him just read the instructions, that's how I've always done everything, just read the instructions other people have written, it's right there, he's an engineer, he's clever
>his laptop still gets ransomware
>dad says let's go to the movies
>tell him I'd rather not
>asks why
>remind him that I had a chunk of my colon taken out due to a football injury and I don't wanna have blast ass in the movie theater restroom after that incident with the kid and having to talk to his dad after calling his kid a racial slur after he was making fun of me for shitting loudly
Time flies.

Yeah because my parents are retards

This went away but was brought back in a big way by the baby boomer lifestyle.
My parents bought like 10 acres of woodland in new york when they were 30 and built a house there themselves. They both had shitty jobs and grew up poor. Its just the way it was back then.

Normally yeah its pretty easy.
>go to some site like zillow or something
>search for apartment
>schedule a meet and greet
>background check
>give security deposit
>you now are slave to the jew

I'm glad you felt shame. Is your mum alive? If not she's in hill. Satan is raping her every single day with his tail. Pitchforks keep her trapped to the ground. Every day she is reborn, just to suffer. The witch sleeps on your chest tonight. Heeve and cough. The devil makes it so. The spirit engulfs the chamber which fills with smoke. Your heart is black. Shame.

It's easy but you can get fucked very easily.
I'm not even sure where i live is legal.

Zoomers will never understand this.
It's about father who does family abuse and get's away with it like every violent dad in the 60-00's.

How's that immigration working out for you dumb fucks?

Trying a bit too hard there, amigo.

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>If not she's in hill

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What an embarrassing post.

>If not she's in hill

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>she's in hill
Good, he deserves better than peggy.

>pay no rent
>no groceries
I only pay for the internet bill. My family is close, and I can stay unless I get married.

>>dad comes home from work
>>that look on his face when he realizes you're gay

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pretty much the same. I left home 6 years ago, and still when I go back to visit and hear him arrive home I tense up. Should probably go to therapy.