What is Yas Forums's opinion on emulation?

What is Yas Forums's opinion on emulation?

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Cool option if not have money or hardware. Faggots and zoomer would say it's better, patricians will say you do both. Close the thread now.

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It's better in some aspects

How can we trust you? how do we know you are one of us and not a NinorniteMixer

The ornite & Mixer is a Hint on what i'm refering to.

I have no clue, I'm just chilling here.

Romhacks are utterly utterly based, especially for smw.
Shoutouts to raocow

Buy mario 3 for the 6th you peice of shit, how dare you pirate games the ip owners dont even make money off any more

Why do people say you need a beefy PC to run emulation like super nintendo? Something about the CPU?

Who's Yas Forums

All the games I emulate are unobtainable these days. So it's fine imo.

Modern emulators are far more cycle accurate than they used to be. So yeah they need a beefier CPU to run properly.

SNES9X and BSNES aim for accuracy over performance these days, but older emulation or performance cores still exist if you just want to play a commonly supported game.

This doesn't mean you should go back and start using ZSNES again though. The only real reason to use ZSNES is for rom hacks that only work with that emulator.

Fake. Will never match the experience of playing the game on the original hardware the game was designed for.

Mario World looks fucking weird with an aspect ratio hack.

Does the game suddenly change in some way?

>Plays the exact same
>Can emulate the same slowdowns and fix them
>Can even improve some games
Enjoying your yellowing plastic.

>Will never match the experience of playing the game on the original hardware the game was designed for.
Good. As someone who has no nostalgia for these games at all because he was born at a later time, I couldn't care less about FPS drops and playing N64 games with the worst controller ever made. Emulation is perfect for those who want to play games for fun, rather than to relive their childhood.

NOOOOOOOOOO you can't say that your free emulator has better picture quality on your 4K TV than my Framemeisterinoooo

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dude I just spent $2k on my retro set up you cant just have fun on a handy down pc and not get eye damage from a crt

Less so SNES9X, that runs pretty well on anything. BSNES on the other hand is really accurate but is harder to run.


I dunno, maybe latency wise (although run ahead is fucking amazing) and PERFECT accuracy. But for your average Joe, I'd say they're pretty good. Might as well be original hardware.

Really, if you're emulating the game, you'll never get the full experience. If you didnt play it during its release time, you're missing the vital time-sensitive context surrounding it. You really think playing Mario 64 now on your gayming pc has the same impact as playing it in your living room, on the floor, Christmas day, with the turn of the millenia right around the corner?

no we dont think if feels like christmass day with abusive crack head parents and a stolen n64 with blood on it go be mad some where else we didnt spend $800 on a shit mister

You could emulate the living room, on the floor, Chrismas Day part. Just connect your PC or whatever emulation device to your TV, use a wireless controller of your preference, and go ham (I know what you mean tho)

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I dunno.
I recently emulated Banjo Kazooie in Widescreen and 60FPS and it was like Christmas morning all over again.

Dont emulate every! Please support the official creators!

Did you try any AI upscale texture packs? (They take the original textures and an AI upscales them).

As seen here: youtu.be/n5FKaP4h5t4

(not perfect, but it's neat)

If the zeitgeist is more important than the product, then it wasn't a good product.

this. 100% this. It just wouldn't be the same EXACT experience.

How do I do that when none of the money goes to them?

Don't worry user, rest assured that my moral economic funding is in the positive zone of non illegality.

Gameplay differences between emulators and console are not significant for 99% of games, and anyone who tells you otherwise has a stick up their ass.
Emulators allow optional features like cheats, savestates, total controller support, potentially online netplay or rom hacks
Not having to keep a dozen consoles hooked up or pay a fortune for old controllers or rare games is incredible. Pic related, I'd have to pay 1000 to play pic related on console.
So overall I'd say the experience is generally identical but emulators eke out the win.
>t. used to be an original-hardware-fag but now see the light after wasting 300 some dollars on SNES games for the exact same experience as emulators

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I hold the WR for mario 64 in the "stay in every level for a week before beating them"% category and emulators make bowser in the fire sea impossible

>What is Yas Forums's opinion on emulation?
becomes 100x more enjoyable when emulating the half pixel effect of composite cables with dank composite crt filters.

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Well said, although original hardware still has a lot of benefits that emulation will probably never overcome, like absolute perfect accuracy (well... some consoles don't even do that right with their revisions but you get my point), least input latency (run ahead on emulators is pretty good at removing that...), go to speedrunning (unless you're playing on an emulator allowed speedrun). Uh, the maaaaagicccc.... I guess. I grew up on the PC and PS2, and I'd much rather just emulate my PS2 games on PCSX2 :/

It's cool but nothing beats having the original hardware

what if you got to the spot right before bowser and then waited a week?