Enlighten me on how he was in the wrong

Enlighten me on how he was in the wrong.

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ur mom was in the wrong for getting pregnant

Spoilers dude

He wasn't the protagonist.


His utopia wasn't perfect and he refused to fix obviously retarded shit like brainwashing Sumire instead of just bringing Kasumi back like all other deaders
Phantom Thieves were right for the wrong reasons, "HARDSHIPS GOOD" is a fucking stupid argument when they spent an entire game taking down bad guys who made other people's lives harder

The end of the game literally has him give the God of fucking knowledge the plan itself and thus being able to fulfill it without problems or bias.

People think self indulgent pleasure island fantasies equal perfection. In a real perfect world Morgana would be dead.

>People think self indulgent pleasure island fantasies equal perfection.
That's rich, coming from a NEET.

>brainwashing Sumire instead of just bringing Kasumi back like all other deaders
that's because it was what she wanted though
now this is an actually good argument against maruki

>that's because it was what she wanted though
Yeah, that was the flaw in his system. He made even the most retarded wishes come true.

sandals with pants

that was the whole point, everyone is happy because their wishes come true, what's wrong with people being happy?

his patients did not consent to being unraped

It's like saying it's okay to wipe your ass with your bare hands as long as it makes your ass clean.

are you american? it's not like that at all, it's the exact opposite

He wasn't a god when he corrective brainwashed Sumire

But he became one later and could opt for a better solution.

Drugs make people happy. What's wrong with drugs?

drugs rot your brain

And brainwashing doesn't?

altering reality isn't the same as being brainwashed.

Was this character just a rehash of the grail? I felt like it was almost just the same idea. Perhaps with more personality than a fucking cup, but still.

Persona 5 is a retelling of paradise lost, and the final chapter kinda threw everything called subtlety out the window. Still cool though.

because it's reactionary coping and doesn't allow for people to deal with things and move on. sumire pretending to be kasumi didn't seem as happy or goal driven as sumire at the end of the game

if reality fused with mentos kasumi would have never existed and sumire would have always been kasumi

Also, his reality wasn't a perfect one either. There were still mementos requests. Everyone being constantly happy is also impossible, as society wouldn't longer function. That would be unless you're altering peoples perception of work, or brainwashing.

yes, and sumire never would have gotten the chance to realize how much her sister loved her and drew inspiration from her, which caused her to want to live on much more passionately than fake kasumi without needing to wipe somebody from existence

sumire always felt like she was living in kasumi's shadow, if kasumi wasn't casting shadows on her she would have never been unhappy

In persona universe yes, all of reality is a product of pepole cognition so mass brainwashing alters reality.

hes a lawfag

and as i said, she thinks about things more clearly later and sees in retrospect that she was holding herself back, feeling like she looked up to her sister and her sister didn't do the same to her. maruki would have robbed her of the fulfillment of the truth and her familial bond because he happened to meet her a bit after her sister died and she was obviously grieving

this all just happened because he met her too late, none of the grief would have happened if maruki met them earlier or if kasumi never existed