You told me Valkyria Chronicles 4 was garbage but I just finished chapter 17 and it's definitelly better than 1, both gameplay and storywise.
You told me Valkyria Chronicles 4 was garbage but I just finished chapter 17 and it's definitelly better than 1...
So good it was never sold for full price and often put on sale for dirt cheap.
I can't play the first one without feeling anxious.
>Yas Forums was wrong
This happens a lot
Who told you that? It's good.
I bought the collector's edition for cheap, got a little tank... it's p cool.
I didn't hear shit about it. Until I saw it on sale for like 15 bucks, the game isn't even that old. Did VC2 and 3 leave such a bad taste in everyone's mouth they decided to ignore 4?
I haven't even played this game but Yas Forums is pretty consistently wrong
Imagine skipping 2 and 3. What's the matter? Didn't speak Japanese? Didn't own a PSP?
They're not relevant
It's one autist with a hateboner for VC4 who's convinced VC1 was some paragon of serious storytelling and that 4 is anime trash instead of them being exactly the same.
Lancers are so useless. they could just remove them altogether.
Story was better but it was deluged with shitty anime clichés. In vc1, I could believe that people are over sensitive and there are girls in army, because they are civil militia. In vc4, the MC is a professional soldier and he is crying at destroyed flowers while shooting people in the head. He is either a faggot or a sociopath. What a shitty writing.
It was definitelly darker. I didn't expect that many characters to die. Not even the loli Valkyrias were safe.
I played the first 5 hours of both 1 and 4 this week. The first one seems like it had a much higher budget. Way more animated scenes while 4 is mostly in visual novel format. I prefer the gameplay in 1 as well.
I'll play 4 after I beat 1, but I can definitely see why people found 4 to be disappointing. The premise of the first game and the intro into the world was done SOOOO much better.
It's a great game but it didn't add the improvements and depth of classes in 2 and 3
Something Japanese reviewers complained of
Yes, VC1 has way more animated cutscenes throughout. Despite their effort to hide it, it's clear VC4 was made on an almost shoestring budget.
I never understood people like you who need everything to be realistic but then somehow enjoy certain JRPGs.
The first game had a flying pig, loli warriors and ancient beings. What exactly is so believable about that but immersion breaking in 4? This is the same exact shit as the Xeboblade 1 delusionfags.
>dude what if our nukes were powered by literal orphans
>do you feel like a hero yet
>VC3 retranslation project ended up being vapourware
I was so hopeful.
Seriously, I started with 4 and wasn't expecting that at all.
The per object motion blur combined with decent, grand scale animation, and that water color comic book aesthetic... jeesh the game looks really good. And the VN parts are in the minority, it seems. Very surprising. Not to mention the characters seem a lot more developed and the extra things like those reporter chapters keep taking me off guard. It might end up being one of my favorite JRPGs.
I really don't get the ending
>the Federation signs a ceasefire with the Empire
>blames Claude for not nuking their capital afterwards and strips him of his rank
Then why the fuck sign a treaty with them? He was already in the capital ready to go when he heard the news.
I don't want to spoil OP but I think they did well with that premise since instead of going the easy way of the protagonists taking the clear moral high ground and refusing to use the loli nukes, it was one of the villains who did at and the "heroes" were willing to do it if it meant ending the war.
Lancers are good in 4 but as with everything that isn't a scout or mortar you have to pair them with the APC and exploit its movement to make them good
What I want to see in Valkyria Chronicles 5
>multiple choice story, including which waifu to end up with
>new classes
>larger scale battles
>be able to walk around, buy stuff and trigger extra missions in safespots like towns
>tfw I got filtered by that mission where the valkyria teams up with tank dude on the map with fragile ice
The ending is retarded:
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>Ceasefire ensures Empire keeps all their territory including the subjugated nations like the Nord Republic, the Kingdom of Fhirald and the entire more than a 3rd of the Federation that they conquered, but hey at least we didn't use nukes on a mostly evacuated city; peace at any cost amirite?
>Valkyria Chronicles 2
>Set 2 years after 4 and the war between Federation and Empire is back in full swing. The 20 million soldiers that died in operation Northern Cross as well as countless partisans and Darscens in Imperial territory along with Raz and Christel died for literally nothing, the genocide continues in earnest.
Real good writing.
Helicopters is a pretty logical next step.
The game is piss easy when you use Orders. Just grab a trooper hop it into the APC, move him close to the tank and boost their attack and pierce
He resisted the order to nuke the capital until the empire asked for a ceasefire. The feds wanted high command to get nuked and the war to end with the empire's definitive defeat, not a fragile ceasefire. Had Claude fired off the nuke when told, the feds could've given a bullshit justification for the genocide as a necessity, but their hands were tied once the empire asked for the ceasefire. He took the fall because of it.
Doesn't a romance option defeat the idea of the games being told in the form of a history book.
Shit was bonkers. I almost got filtered by the Raz suicide mission later on myself.
This sounds like a dream game. No chance of something like this happening soon, although Fire Emblem is on a track to something of the sort.
War sucks and it led to no long-term solution like most real wars, how is it bad writing? I know it's unsatisfying in terms of making the player feel accomplished but it's how it works.
>Have nuclear weapon.
>Can use it on abandoned city to save millions of lives and end the war.
>Don't do that.
>Let occupation and genocide continue.
>Occupation and genocide is preferable to nuking an abandoned city.
Real good moral lesson there Japan, I see the nuke trauma hasn't affected your ability to think logically at all.
user, he literally made the decision and was ready to push the button when he heard the news, Minerva only showed up after they were informed of the ceasefire. There was no way for high command to know his personal feelings because, for what they knew, the operation was going exactly as planned. There was no significant delay from securing the escape route to getting in the bridge to detonate the nuke.
The gameplay is solid and fun, and the aesthetics of the game were neat. But the cast is painfully generic. Like if they took the cast of your average high school anime and plopped them into a war setting.
>typical good guy MC, tsunderes here and there, class president girl with glasses, the cocky dudebro who bullies the MC but becomes his buddy
There were a couple of squad stories I liked I suppose. But if there's anyone I truly hate it's fucking Miles. Fuck you Miles I don't want to hear your "OOOHHHH" every time I purchase an upgrade. I don't know who thought that was a good idea.