Justify this shit

Justify this shit

Attached: watch?v=hCjlhLxXAq0-04-24-20-01.png (1280x720, 934.19K)

Quit breaking your shit already, probably got a torn up analog rubber for your ps4 controller too

it's so the joy-cons can make music with the motors inside

>don't live in 3rd world country where I can't send controllers for free repair
>buy chink 3rd party controller for 1/3 the price or adapter for other quality controllers and use that anyways since docked mode is always preferable unless you're a s0i/vagina/zoomer

You can buy an individual joy-con? I thought they always come in pair.

buy a pro controller no games use the motion controls and its better over all on top of actually having good battery life

Ugh, I know, user. I can't believe Nintendo is selling such a shit game for the same price as joycons.

that game was the worst 60 bucks i spent in all of 2019. fucking platinum does it again with another god awful action game.

>hacked switch
>split pad pro
There you go user, i fixed it

you mean you dont like your 3 button dmc for retards

>play ring fit adventure every day
>can't stop looking at colored joy cons because i only have the gray ones

but i want there to be pretty colors while i'm doing stuff :((

Only retards compare it to dmc. I bet you also bitch about the dodge not having i-frames. You people genuinely don't know how to play the game, lose or get shit grades, and then bitch on Yas Forums.

no its too easy and on a technical level less involved then dmc and just feels like platinum is making character action games for the lowest denominator its fucking baby dmc

Nintendo makes profit from hardware
Since they don't have as many games sold on console hardware makes up for the lack of money since most people will only buy a few games

docked adds latency

fuck you
the dpad is shit too and it still has drifting

Attached: watch?v=hCjlhLxXAq0-04-24-20-02.png (1280x720, 1004.22K)

dpad is shit but i havnt eperienced drifting, maybe hori has good shit?

Oh noes a whole 1 frame difference

wait do you have to buy each joycon seperately for 100 dollars?


stupid faggot

nah, you buy them in two packs for like 80

mad that u don't have discretionary income

yes im mad i cant afford $80 aids infested feces's when you can get a objectively better controller for $60



poop but yah I spelt it wrong

are you like, 12?

nintendo quality costs more

are you a gay nigger retard, dont answer that its a rhetorical questio

>inherent design flaw even on the revised models

12 and probably from brazil

who gives a shit

Nintendo has to pay for the drift juice

Do they still break/drift/whatever is the real question.

and the game price is just how Nintendo does things, for most of their games anyway. Fucking weirdos.

all joy cons have the drifting issue

Stop giving Nintendo money