When is the last time a videogame made you legitimately tear up?

When is the last time a videogame made you legitimately tear up?

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never you faggot


Finding Ciri.

When I was like 6 and beat Mario 64 I got very sad because I used to think videogames lasted forever. For some reason I thought that after beating the game I wouldnt be able to play it again.

dangan v3 ending

it was so good Yas Forumsros....

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The flashback with Aeris' mom.

And then I cried again when I saw the fucking terrible ending.

Stranger's Wrath
>is the water... free?
Of course, I was 11 and that was the first time I played a game with a real plot to it. Good times.

Mass Effect Andromeda

I guess Rising Storm 2: Vietnam because there was a gook behind a tree and I fucking knew if I blinked he would bolt and I'd miss his ass so I was just glaring at the monitor until he poked his fucking gook head out. He poked his head out, I split his face open, then enemy artillery blew me to pieces.

I don't have emotions or feelings besides ambition and hatred.

MGS4s ending

That part in Sonic Adventure where Sonic's about to go super form and everyone starts chanting Sonic's name.

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I know it was pretty obvious, but this always got me.

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Persona 3

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yesterday, was playing nier automata, I was so into it I forgot I had to join my coding class and missed the final quizz after doing really good the whole year, guess I'll just cheat during my finals and get a B.

fuck corona urinically, I cant get shit done unless Im out of my room

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Unironically I was just letting loose all my tears during the credits mini-game in pic related. The music and constantly having the game ask you, the player, if all of this was meaningless or straight up asking if you want to give up somehow hit me hard.

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This, and I'm not gonna apologize

Outer Wilds, when I got to the Sun Station and realized exactly what was going on.

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ori and the will of the wisps

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Death Stranding just got sadder and sadder as the story unveiled, by the end it had in my tears

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Better stop with does onion drinks!

Papo y Yo

typo *those

I was trying to play it in the first time in a month and just couldn't do it.
I've been playing this game for almost 10 years and for the first time I'm not having fun and don't think I ever will
made me want to an hero

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Twice a few months ago when I was emulating PMD Sky with the main ending and the final episode.
Still made me cry bitch tears all these years later

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Mechwarrior 5.

I mean I was expecting it to be bad, but nothing could have prepared me for the absolute dumpster fire that it was.