Thoughts on racist Barret from FFVII remake?
Thoughts on racist Barret from FFVII remake?
>the only way to portray a black character is to make them a white character with black skin
>be nigger
>squenix puts angry nigger in a game
>become angry nigger
These people are truly ignorant of how racist and ignorant Asian and Japanese culture is of other ethnicities and cultures and it's amusing to me.
Fuck these people. Fuck 'em in the pussy.
Dilate harder.
>30+ users were banned for simply replying to that post
I hope they stay the fuck away from here.
>A black man has to be portrayed exactly the way I wish or otherwise it's racist
>Who the hell has black caricatures in their video games?!!!
Literally any AAA western game with a black female in it. Big gigantic afros, sassy attitude, etc.
>Thoughts on racist Barret from FFVII remake?
My thoughts are "fuck off back to wherever you came from."
dilate and kill niggers
this desu
>the japan excuse
The Japan Excuse?
Posting resetera screen caps should be a bannable offense
One of the mod here is from resetera, PlanetSmasher
It's honestly pretty great how you go from laughing at Barret's comical nature in the beginning of the game only for you to start feeling for him and genuinely liking his character, like when the showdown with Dyne happens.
>tfw My hands ain't any cleaner...I shouldn't be able to carry Marlene either...
Thoughts on making the same threads every day?
No one would give two shits about this literally who's opinion if you didn't post this shitty screencap.
Fuck off
How many are banned in that 21 page thread?
Several. Here's a keeper.
> OP is saying something dumb
> point out that OP is saying something dumb
> User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissing concerns around representation
this is just sad.
Things are different over there.
Thoughts on making the same thread 500 times a day?
What if he does? Are you from that shithole?
Yeah, Japanese people are horribly racist, but is that a legitimate excuse to these people? The type that go around literally seething about the fact he's an angry black man will go "lol it's okay guys it's Japan"? That seems backwards to me.
beyond parody holy shit
yeah im tired of the same threads every day
stop same fagging
It is obvious that Barrett is offensive to many . It doesn’t matter if you like the character , or think he is funny or the best character in the game . He is offensive .
Personally speaking I’ve been bothered by an obviously different but similar issue , that in the role of gay characters in games. I still remember the pain I had playing Enchanted Arms as a kid still coming to terms with my sexuality and being confronted with such an offensive caricature of a gay man in the character of Makoto. At the time my friends told me he was “funny” .
It’s not hard to step back for a minute and just say “I don’t have a stake in this , let the people this affects tell me why it is wrong and how I can help”.
>Account in junior phase
This is what happens when you give insane leftists any semblance of "power." In the old days, these people would have been institutionalized. Now, we let them moderate and run video game forums.
I too hate black people
my friend keeps insisting these are outliers, and they don't represent resetera
Not the OP, fagboy. And if you don't like the thread, leave retard. I can tell you are from there. Wanna know how...? Yo're whining and demanding everyone change to accomodate YOU. A common retarded leftist tactic. Go fuck yourself, homeslice.
What the fuck is a "drive-by post"? lole
>a literal gay nigger
Hope this is copypasta and you're not actually putting this amount of effort into a bait post
It's a post from there. I didn't feel like taking a screenshot. The 21+ page thread is filled with posts like that.
No offence, but your friend is a tool.
Even if it's true, there's no reason to ban people that disagree in a FUCKIN CIVIL way in a community that prides itself for being the most inclusive.
jesus op not one cares about that post in reset era just chill out, ok?
Stop posting the same thread everyday kid
>drive-by post in a sensitive thread
Can't stop laughing
If there's anything I liked in FF7R it was Barret and Cloud's increasingly friendly interactions throughout the game.
Also I fucking love resetera banned posts. Gets me a good laugh whenever I need it
Wouldn't "angry black man" go full circle and stop becoming a trope and start becoming unique since no games or even movies portray "angry black man"
I consume a lot of media and I can honestly say Barret is the first time I'm seeing this trope done in years. If anything I'm tired of "honorable, intelligent, law abiding black man trope". Most films and shows don't even have black criminals anymore.
Japan’s entire conceptualization of black people is based on American media, and it’s hilarious. What will be even more hilarious is if these snowflakes pitch a fit and Japs respond by giving up on inclusivity and just not including black people in their games because it isn’t worth the hassle and the only reason they do it in the first place is for the Western market.
I swear a lot of these are concern trolls who don't want black people in their games. They tried to do it with Mexican representation in Mario Oddysey, and it failed - perhaps seeing a black character with motivations, ideals, bonds and, well, character was enough to trigger them to be on edge.
Not the OP, Ra'Shon.
Isn't resetera one of the most powerful gaming forum in America?
ok man
A personal favorite of mine. Great video game "forum."
That's racist
Imagine that on Yas Forums:
>OP posts retarded bait garbage
>People reply that's he's an idiot
>Only the responders get banned
He's a good guy in a lot of ways, but he really misjudges some shit, and at times I gotta pull him to the right side of history. He even said the Zoe Quinn thing was just about sexism in misogyny, even though he readily admits that video game journalism is scummy.
Barret was by far the most human member of the party, best voice actor and got the most positive changes in the remake
>Now, we let them moderate and run video game forums.
so, nothing important.
And influence game devs on twatter. Forgot that one.
Ofc he is. I’m not surprised in the slightest.
what isn't these days?
Barrett is an angry black dude with a fucking gun for an arm. That's his character. He's driven by his passion and his passion is being fucking angry about shinra raping the planet
don't mind me just drive-by posting
op is a faggot
Hard to say. They certainly seem to think so, but I wonder how many developers actually legitimately care about what some mentally ill transexual thinks on a video game forum that bans anyone who isn't a Hilary supporter.
they see black people as imferior
but if he was racist, he would have not given a shit about the girl he was raising
>Why does a neg- I mean bla- I mean African American man look like an African American...must be racists...
Now post how many of the few actual developers in that sea of "journalists" and "community managers" have been banned
Nice copy pasta faggot
This idiot, huh? Interesting.
>it's racist because he's angry
Don't you just love it when these fucktards out themselves to be bigger racists than anyone else?
I feel like if I made a retardera account just to subtly whine about black people not acting white enough or homos acting too flamboyantly I could get away with it and a get a good chunk of these window lickers to agree with me
They just know what's up