Is this the greatest game ever made?

Is this the greatest game ever made?

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Pretty much, I can't think of any game that does so many things so well, albeit persoally I prefer DeS I can recognize that it's flawed by comparison, BB is near perfect.

Yeah pretty much

>greatest game ever

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loool no not really. not even close to best game ever

wtf is wrong with /v

GOTY version PC port would be. The dlc is so good.

As much as I love bloodborne I have to say This.

*blocks your path*

Attached: Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (289x345, 47.73K)

0 (zero) fps on PC

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nope, this is

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That's not Dark Souls 2

I'm playing it now. It's great, but it's taken me awhile to get used to the janky frame timing and godawful CA. At what point should I play the DLC? I just beat Vicar Amelia so I think it's available now, but I dunno when I should get to it. I think I'm BL29.

grow up

Skyrim did open world better


have sex

20 years from now people will still be asking for a PC version, so that must count for something.



>likes the worst Dark Souls game
Shiggy Diggy

Right now no but I think it'll age well and will sneak into the top 15-top 10 all time

>cunt baiting
Give zero f

good game held hostage to shitty hardware. if we got a pc release it would be goat

only good that skyrim did, was easy modding and to generate fucking ass boring lame sandbox quests

Dickrider Todd

>bing bing wahoo manchild telling me to have sex
oh my word

Is this game that good or it's just Yas Forums being edgy?

it's a combination of console wars and soulfags tendency to evangelize their favorite

the second it releases on other platforms it's shit according to Yas Forums

Yes, but because it makes the mustarrace so mad they will never EVER have it

Castlevania PS4

>user unironically saying "bing bing wahoo"
Not him, but how do you say those words without feeling like a massive faggot? Disliking Nintendo is fine, but being a faggot is not


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