When did pokemon lose the soul?

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It never had any to begin with.

When you grew up

The right one isn't even official

I miss Medabots

After Pokemon SoulSilver of course.

At least it gets good robohentai.

still soulless

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Why is every gen after gen 1 so shit?

Mostly when ORAS came out. There was definitely some soul in X and Y, but it's been downhill ever since.

It's getting harder and harder for me to blame Game Freak at this point. Pokemon's decline in quality is obviously the fault of The Pokemon Company forcing Game Freak to crank out yearly main series games. Look at how unfinished X and Y was and tell me that it's Game Freak's fault. They don't even set the fucking deadlines.

They got greedy.

this one is actually worse

gen 3

Attached: Pokemon Gen 3.jpg (800x800, 502.08K)

You already know it's Gen 3.

because you realized how utterly fucking boring those games are after wasting your time with 1


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around gen 2. I forget the word, but they started "test screening" pokemon designs for what appeals most to kids. They focus on more cutesy shit and also making pokemon as cool designs rather a cohesive world.

in gen 3 when they stopped doing creative poses for battle sprites and they decided to go with a color pallet that more closely matches the anime

Emerald was the last pokemon game with soul.
HGSS had soul only because it was a remake of the most soulful games of the franchise, and they didn't fuck up anything. ORAS on the other hand fucked up.

They need to fuck off with these shit idle standing animations and pose them in interesting ways like dragon quest

It lost soul after generation three but generation four and five were kino enough to make up for the lack of soul. The new games don't even have soul OR kino, they can't even pass at being ludo so they're just shit.

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What the fuck are you retards talking about?

lurk moar

Pokemon was designed to be a soulless franchise with comics, cartoons, toys, films and other merchandise already planned before they even started developing Pokemon Red and Blue. It's made for your money and that's all it ever is or will be.

*Manga and Anime

>Pokemon had soul
>All Pokemon games after GSC were bad
You're all fucking retards. Gen 1/2 by todays standards are trash that almost rivals SM and SwSh, and the games never had soul.

go back

>muh mechanics
>i-it's broken
None of that shit matters to 90% of people who play pokemon. Gen 3 was second wave. People who didn't play gen 1/2 will always be late to the party.

>It's bad, but it doesn't matter.
I know that they were game-changing when they came out because I also played them when they came out. That doesn't change the fact that they're shit by today's standards. They're strictly worse than gens 3-5 in just about every conceivable way.

When you got old.