>league of legends
>legends of runeterra
>league fighting game
>league diablo clone
>league turn based RPG
>league action platformer
>league anime
honest thoughts? they must be the biggest profile company now right?
>league of legends
>legends of runeterra
>league fighting game
>league diablo clone
>league turn based RPG
>league action platformer
>league anime
honest thoughts? they must be the biggest profile company now right?
>copied dota
>copied cs:go
>copied heartstone
>copied street fighter
>copied diablo 3
>copied final fantasy
>copied bionicle, the game
They're barely better than your average trash factory nowadays. Fuck their "here are all these copies of popular games we're gonna release, GET HYPE" tactic. I hope by the time they're done these fads die down and they're forced to sell their assets to tencent.
Literally the Blizzard of 2020
>Just copy all the games from the past and casualise it, bro. Easy money
the games are good, though.
League is slowly dying so they are looking to branch out.
Until now, valorant and runeterra were failures.
If this keeps up, the future isn't that bright for them.
They're okay, not the best in the market but they're surely not bad. Just how Blizzard was during the early 2000's.
Can't deny it. It's why I say they're "barely better", but they're definitely not making games because there's some people there who really want to, they're chasing trends and attempting to blatantly monopolize their position. It's about as unironic of a use of "soulless" as it gets.
Releases corona
eh i guess, i dont think basing your games of market goals mean they need to be soulless, the fighting game and card games are made by people really passionate about the genres and the lore is actually pretty good these days.
so far I'd say that league is good, valorant is meh, it does what it says on the box but it's not that great, legends of runeterra sucks
by what metric
Did you miss the part of their "anti-cheat" being a rootkit that stops computers from working?
It's like you're not on the internet.
Oh so by Yas Forums shitposting topic metrics and not anything worthwhile, alright
Did they? Also, sheer chinese copies from other games can be called as a legit release?
if theyre exact copies why are they more popular than the games they copy?
Chinese can only steal and copy so I’m not surprised.
Free to play, easy to access for the high majority
but dota 2 is also free to play? and more accessible because of steam
Why is it okay for Riot to release malware lads?
both doto and csgo are f2p too
Wait since when is valorant released?
>Every game last more than 30 minutes
Dota is not accessible at all.
Neither Valorant nor LoR are released, though LoR is in open beta (which effectively means it's released) and gets officially released in a week or so.
>downloading literal spyware
>b-but they said it's safe!
That's what they're supposed to say. You're not going to admit your spyware is actually spyware
Do you have steam installed?
It's the kind of blunder that should scupper any project, but riot's fanshits are second only to blizzdrones when it comes to swallowing excrement
Literally how blizz grew big and people slurped their semen for years. If its good enough for blizz, its sure as fuck good enough for chinks.
By the user is butthurt on the internet and won't admit game he hates is popular metric obviously.
True... but how does that make it a failure? A non negligable ammount of people disliked that, but its still blowing up.
Yea thought so, it felt a bit off that it would release that early. LoR i didn't bother mentioning since i knew it was OB and like you said, thats pretty much release anyway.
Steam didn't make my sound disappear nor halted my internet access.
It's a game in closed beta, it isn't blowing up.