Feel old yet Yas Forums?

Feel old yet Yas Forums?

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Modern lolis can't into non touch screen devices. what is this generation currently being born called?

wow... this is so sad.... reply to this post to abolish kids

I felt old once BRs started becoming popular.

even sadder that i'm personally too retarded to use smart phones so i typically avoid anything that doesn't have a key pad or buttons.

What a dumb bitch

Is she trying to catch some pokemon creatures?

+1. I hope you guys also enjoy this image of Luigi riding an egg. Mario Brothers 2 came out 23 years ago.

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BRs? i assume you aren't talking about brazilians

>dont teach kid thing
>kid doesnt know how to do thing


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Nice chest

Buttons are better anyways

My daughter is 2 and can handle ps3 controller with emu on pc.

shes literally 4 so no

Battle Royales. Fortnite, APEX, etc.


My nephew is 10 and still can't into dual analog control. Mobile phones rot the brain.

nigger it's a fucking button
she's never used a remote control, or flicked a lightswitch or flushed the fucking toilet? buttons arent a difficult concept to grasp

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Battle Royale's my dude. And I agree with him

What color is her hair? Do you like her feet?

I bet she can't even write cursive

I felt old once Twitch became popular. Everyone around me in my WoW guild started using termonology like "poggers" and I had no idea what was going on. To this day I still don't understand the appeal of watching streamers.
I feel like an old boomer and I'm only 28. The final blow overall was Fortnite, which is a massively popular game that I know nothing about. Every other huge game in the past I at least had a solid foundation of what it was or how it worked, but Fortnite is just completely foreign to me.

This image makes me really angry. Women are really retarded from the moment they are born huh?


ah, i see. i agree too then even though i'm not even old. i do not understand what kids see in Fortnite.

you missed the point so spectacularly i can't in good faith assume you're really this stupid

neither can i

I'll take care of your daughter... dad

You played what is basically an idle game and you don't understand why people wanted something else going on in the background?

t. triggered zoomer

I bet you don't even know you are supposed to rewind VHS tapes before you return them or how to use morse code, fucking zoomers are retarded

>he needed his parents to teach him how to use a controller

>you are supposed to rewind VHS tapes before you return them
literally nobody did that