
So I just finished playing Absolution. Good god, the entire game was like a fucking fever dream. I would've liked it more if it was titled anything EXCEPT Hitman but all the changes are so fucking bizarre. Not to mention that all the moments where you actually have to play as Hitman and not just go in guns blazing are the worst parts because of how the new disguise system works. Anyway, at least I got that out of the way.

I still found it pretty fun to go full operator mode in it but that's about it. The story is retarded, the levels are retarded, the "stealth" is retarded.

Attached: Soul vs soulless.png (1145x623, 427.11K)

Attached: Hitman Absolution 2020.04.23 - (800x500, 2.82M)

Even if you pretend it isn't a Hitman game, it's still a 4/10-5/10 piece of mediocrity.

It was a good game just not... well, you know.

This was my first Hitman game, and I enjoyed it immensely. Still do. I understand the negativity it evokes in so many people, now that I have played the other games, but for me it's a fun, one-time spin-off with the best art style in the series.
I also liked most of the characters (characters, not the story); sure, they're cartoonish and over the top, but they're done well and fit the setting they were going for.

My biggest gripe is how dumb it feels that a bunch of southern hicks are just constantly one-upping 47. It makes zero sense and you don't even really get satisfying kills on any of the main baddies

Also going off on a tangent, to get the new levels for Hitman 2 do I HAVE to get the expansion pass? $35 for just two more levels seems fucking ridiculous, and considering I got the base game for just $15 it would be a waste to basically go back to almost full price just for two locations

>That fucking part in the game where you're running from the police and play through 5 different levels while doing so

God don't even fucking remind me. Getting to the top of that dumbass hotel already was such a chore the first time through because the game railroads you so hard into just sneaking into the elevator, so basically anything besides the basement is useless filler. Then you get to the top, play hide n seek for a bit and get to the stupid ass rooftop segment, then that whole bunch of shit of hiding from cops for like 3 whole sections only to end up back at Chinatown. At that moment I was just like fuck it and started shooting everyone.

Probably the worst part for me was going in guns blazing to kill the 3 targets down in Chinatown and later out finding you can do silent kills on them BUT ONLY IF YOU TAKE THESE SPECIFIC HIDDEN ROUTES THAT YOU CAN ENTIRELY MISS BECAUSE THE GAME KEEPS FUCKING TELLING YOU TO RUN FROM THE COPS

No it's a 8/10 if you pretend it isn't a Hitman game.

It's a grindhouse masterpiece.

Now that you mention it, aside from the noir vibe of the early levels everything else felt like a Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez movie

I've never played a Hitman game. Which ones should I play? Should I play them with kb+m or controller?

Had it not been an hitman game and focused on just action it would have been a fine Grindhouse game, its a gente that isn't very present and the action was at least very solid and punchy.
For other Grindhouse games you have what? Typing of the Dead and Manhunt?

Play Blood Money first, it goes on sale for less than £2 on Steam. It's got a few little issues but it's a solid game. Nu-Hitman games are good too but have a very different vibe to the rest of the series. Nu-Hitman feels more like James Bond.

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It really isn’t. Everything about it is either shit (story, soundtrack aside from Black Bandada) or mediocre (gameplay, controls)

It goes on sale pretty often for like 80% off. Wait for that.

It's a bad Splinter Cell Conviction clone accidentally branded as a Hitman game. It somehow even has worse stealth than Conviction, which isn't even a stealth game at all.

Still mad about Conviction, please don't talk about it.

Conviction was marketed and produced as a pure action title.
Absolution as a Hitman game and was a bad rip off of the former.

that's how you should objectively feel playing throughout the series and if you felt any differently then you were doing something wrong.



Attached: CoinHITMAN2016.png (693x517, 62.23K)

Something about the new games that I wish they kept from before is the logo for agent 47. Don't know why it's missing from basically everything except the scoring screen



Prettt accurate. In conviction Sam gets hunted by the people he worked for and has to "redeem" himself and its kinda the same thing for 47 in Absolution.

>game was too hard for me so it sucks
sums up the complainers about absolution nicely

>too hard
if anything it was too easy

The only real game that stands out as a sore thumb is Absolution though

I'm 100% convinced Conviction was originally going to be a Jack Bauer 24 game but Ubisoft realized it was going to flop and instead slapped Splinter Cell onto it instead.

Blood Money 100%. Some of the best levels in the series, great soundtrack, best /easiest disguise system. The game holds up incredibly well

Lets be fair here, Blood Money is by far the easiest game in the franchise. It remains the only game where once you get a disguise the suspicion system goes out the window. Disguise yourself as a marine and you don't have to worry about "hiding" from anyone as long as you don't enter restricted areas. Previous games had a very unforgiving disguise suspicion system and some levels which demanded open shootouts, Absolution and the later games also didn't let you simply walk around like you own the place just by wearing the right clothes.

I'm loving to go through Hitman 2016. It's already in my top 10, can't wait to reach Hitman 2.