>japanese education
Japanese education
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News flash, the average student is dumb as hell everywhere. More news at eleven.
tbf Americans probably wouldn't do much better
After living in japan and dating a few teachers i can tell you more often than not they just give them the grade and pass them on to the next level with little care. The way they put it is a lot of them are fragile kids and they get coddled every step of the way.
Problem is then as adults they have a hard time grasping rejection or when things dont go their way. They assume its everyones fault except them.
For as much as they sat there are smart asians, they skew that number, they dont have enough emotionally mature asians.
Geography is a pointless subject tbqph
>a few teachers i can tell you more often than not they just give them the grade and pass them on to the next level with little care
so literally exactly like america then
its becoming worse in the USA too with the education system and having to lower the standards. seems like children are becoming more stupid on average with each generation at least when it comes to school. hopefully this isnt realted to an increase of certain children
It's the same situation as everywhere else then.
It can't be worse than the Canadian system. You get passed no matter how retarded you are up until you hit high school and then you're left to fail with absolutely zero help because you have almost zero base knowledge in any subject. Almost everyone I know who dropped out of high school here did so in freshman year.
Why would anyone outside of muttland give two shits about cities or states of muttland?
because america is the greatest country on earth? sorry you europoors are inferior and have to sit next to muhammad in the bus stop
Not just America. School is mandatory, and when something is mandatory, you have to be a really special kind of retard to fail it. So kids are dragged through the grades, sometimes being bailed out with undeserved grades, and the teachers can only hope that they pick something up along the way. Things suddenly change in higher education institutions, where no one owes the students anything, they are there by their own accord so they have to prove themselves. Well, the last part doesn't actually work in the US since all higher education is paid, so the students actually become more like customers.
not an argument
Yes, I know where LA is in the map, some other cities and status too, not because of that tho.
westaboos do actually.
I can name all 50 states and at least one city from each
At least my daughter isn't dating niggers
>because america is the greatest country on earth?
Good joke.
>have to sit next to muhammad in the bus stop
We have the same amount of mudslimes, Tyrone.
>implying americans even know where Japan is located on the world map
I wonder why theres any muslims at all up in canadas northern Providences.
Instead shes getting raped by Muhammad and Alibaba
I doubt most actual Americans can say the same
>persona characters saying they're not able to speak english in english
I know it's supposed to be in japanese in game but hearing Rise saying "I'll never need english" in english is annoying,
Nope :^)
She's dating a nice Jewish boy
where did you go to school?
my highschool was easy as fuck here
I could be very wrong about the new england or midwest states tho, that's a whole lotta aground to cover. I always like the Southern states better anyway. Their accent's the best, especially the louisianan/cajun
Ok Yas Forums show me your guns
If you're american:
If you're european:
watch vinland saga, they do that shit a lot when a white guy is asking another white guy if they speak dane in japanese
I dont know where LA located either.
Children today know more physics and mathematics than any generation in history. Even 10 year old kids are familiar with phenomena like gravity, time, light, states of matter, than any old boomer could ever think of
1000+ hours in EUIV