ITT: areas in vidyas that make you wanna rip your fucking skin off

ITT: areas in vidyas that make you wanna rip your fucking skin off

pic related, FUCK this fucking fortress, fuck those blades, those boulders and fuck those fucking yellow faggot snakes

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>getting filtered by Sen's Funhouse

easily my favorite place to invade

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Pump health.
Pump damage.
Win every Souls game. What's hard to understand about this? It's the same process as fucking Zelda except you don't have to dick around with z-targeting.

i died by every trap at least once but i still enjoyed it.


>except you don't have to dick around with z-targeting.
How is Souls targeting different from Z-targeting?

Its weird to come back once you git gud and realize how small it is
Efficient, mind you, but small

You don't have to dick around with it or use it in any capacity. Nor should you. Enemy targeting fucks up when you walk at odd angles, makes for an easier game.

Great Hollow from DS1
Want a challenge? Climb up Great Gollow without falling or getting stuck on terrain
Definitely the most poorly designed area after Izalith out of all from soft games
Sens Fortress is like Majula compared to Great Hollow

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I feel it's a high point. Very video-gamey, arcade like.

Just watch a speedrun of it

That's just DS1 in general. Half of the challenge in most of the areas is just figuring out where the fuck you're supposed to go, once you get a functioning mental map and the ability to not give a shit about the number of enemies in between bonfires the whole game gets a lot smaller.

I want to watch somebody play Dark Souls for the first time. Again.
Do new people still play it?

>Sen's Fortress
>Not Valley of the fucking Drakes
I got filtered so hard by that area the first time I played I didn't leave until I'd gotten good enough to kill every oversized blue faggot fuck in the place.

I'm still slowly playing through my first time. It's been taking me years because I stop for months at a time after getting frustrated by something.

I enjoyed TB Skyen's playthrough

Thats what i love about it. Feels very old-school DnDish with all the traps.

Not necessarily a first time playthrough but check out Dumbshits Guide by Wildpie101
Hes only done up to Tomb of the Giants and ive no idea when he'll finish but its pretty good

I'm on my first playthrough. Almost done all I need to do is not get filtered by Kalameet and Manus after that I can go rape Gwyn then I'm done

You literally never need to go through that area I still dont know what purpose it serves

>I still dont know what purpose it serves
1. They needed somewhere to drain New Londo without people bitching about where the water went.
2. It teaches you that sometimes putting your weapons away and running past everything is the best answer sine the whole place is basically worthless.
3. Even the devs know that Blighttown is cancer so it lets knowledgeable players skip that shitshow altogether.
4. Dragon scales.

Everything about izelith useless and dull

the beginning with all the lava and trees at least looks cool even though it's a straight line. as soon as you reach the ruins part though it's super dull.

>Even the devs know that Blighttown is cancer so it lets knowledgeable players skip that shitshow altogether.
Blighttown is one of the best areas in the game you dunce

The lava literally hurts to look at dude
I prefer the bland ruins

put on sunglasses

Mama used ta tell me that it is rude to wear sunglasses inside

>so it lets knowledgeable players skip that shitshow altogether

It does, but also:
>first playthrough
>exploring shit, stumble into Valley of Drakes
>wind up in Blighttown via the back entrance
>bumblefuck my way with extreme difficulty from the ground up to the top
>hadn't even done Lower Burg yet so I'm greeted by a locked fucking door

Genuinely one of my favourite experiences, however.

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Literally described my experience recently as a first time player. Had a great time

>that webm of some e celeb landing on a tree branch only to be teleported down to the ground a few seconds later and killed
If the Great Hollow wasn’t as buggy as it was it wouldn’t be memorable at all, not that that excuses shit game design

are you me