The White Flash just happened. How are you going to live your life now, Yas Forums? Would you join any gangs?

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Phew, good thing it was the WHITE FLASH, or else it might have been THE FLASH from lisa and that'd suck

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I would find Buddy and get killed by her while having an erection.
Get your shitty pretentious fanfic out of here.

the wiki and Nern both describe it as "the WHITE flash" though

fuck you're right, now I look stupid

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That user is doubly retarded, because literally no other character ever refers to the white flash as anything. No one in the game ever says "The Flash" as an event that happened.
It's ONLY Nern.


never EVER

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never ever

I guess I'll enjoy a nice refreshing bit of joy

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Nice of Lester to invite us over for a dinner, aye Joel?

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hey user your arm looks wierd, you alright?

What was his fucking problem?
Was he the father from the one flashback?

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His problem is "our game needs a Buzzo equivalent but also Rando equivalent let's just slap the two together and call it an original character".

I think he was just a horny virgin

Is this worth the money? Have it on good faith the game's going on sale in an upcoming mini quarantine sale. Is the DLC 'required'? Does it finish the story as opposed to being just more? I was real blueballed when I got asura's wrath and had to buy DLC to see the end, just want to avoid it and have it all on hand so I can play it in one go.

>worth it?
>dlc 'required'
the DLC continues the game and really finishes the story.
if the game is on sale the dlc will be like less than 2 dollars, but the community unanimously agrees that the dlc... kinda sucks, it has more content but the story is a bit... off. so no, not ""required"", but it'll be like 2 dollars so why not

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>is it worth the money
>is the dlc required
Yes, it serves as the conclusion of the overall story. It's worse than the base game though, so get it only if you like the Painful and want more of it

>Is this worth the money?
Definitely yes.
If you're really really poor but don't want to pirate, you can buy and refund, it's an RPG Maker game so it won't uninstall.
> Is the DLC 'required'?
DLC sucks ass, pirate that shit or watch on YouTube even. I won't spoil things but it's very short, much worse gameplay, no story until the end and annoying protagonist. Only good is music.
>Does it finish the story?
It does provide closure to the story, but you can also just pretend it never happened and the story is just as good with the first game's ending. For real.

Where the fuck is the Monster Update?

>it finishes the story
Technically it does, but Buddy's doble ending and Buzzo's cringey backstory is not worth it. For my money it's better to pretend that Joyful never happened and Painful's ending and its implications are canon: thus, game ends with Brad killing Buddy and humanity is fucked. Yes it's dark and depressing but isn't it fitting? You also don't get Buddy genocide, Buddy being mean to Rando, Buzzo having a chance of heart for no reason, tying this game into the shitty yume nikki clone for also no real reason, etc.

The real boss was the friends we made along the way.

Ah it's fine
Nothing a bit of joy can't fix

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up high!
down low!
too slow!

w-what are you smiling at user, you're freaking me out man

The gang with the Ibuprofen

Kek, that's perfect

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how accurate is pic related, Yas Forums?

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First pic should just be Yume Nikki but with barf.

if you buy the game and refund it, it stays on your hard drive and you can play it for free

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Yeah I didn't care for the story but it was still fun meeting/fighting all the warlords.

nothing, I don't play SJW games

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Yes but Austin won't get any moneys to make the Columbo game.


Oh here it goes here it goes here it goes again
Oh here it goes again
I should've known, should've known, should've known again
But here it goes again

30 posts really? Losing your speed.


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