Microsoft Event in mid June. Halo Infinite fighting begins then...

Microsoft Event in mid June. Halo Infinite fighting begins then. Return to classic Halo with modern playlists and gametypes.

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One of the maps featured takes place in a Cartographer room on an island similar to the Halo CE mission "The Silent Cartographer". It's a 4v4 map, beach area with Mongoose on each side.

Playable elites?

Yes, Spartans and Elites are in.

Anything else that sticks out? I'm assuming you're in a private flight or saw gameplay. This is a multiplayer armor, correct?

Attached: 51HzhQ9_d.jpg (640x854, 62.15K)

I didnt mind it at first but I'm not really digging the Reach style AR

back at it again with the fucking blur


This leak is fake, the ar is just the reach model copied 1:1. The real trailer we already saw had some differences.

Attached: 682iucw.png (1000x600, 476.1K)

Old pics before lockdown. Figurines are a variant of MP armour. Everyone starts with Mark VI. Idk how much has changed since then.

it doesn't even make any sense lorewise for the unsc to switch this model unless that stupid fucking halo timetravel fag from last thread was right

Nigger, that's Reach.

You've got to have better pictures.

This is a bit more clearer but the framing is shit

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They clearly don't give a shit about rolling back the art style judging by either trailer so why the fuck would it surprise you if that were the case anyway

>They clearly don't give a shit about rolling back the art style
what do you mean?

art styles change all the time, but the story can't deviate much/changes to accommodate this sometimes (like reach's sudden military realism style, which was attributed to still using armaments meant for or had a style meant for human conflicts), even MC's new GEN3 armor already has a lore reason, I think

If this is real, I would be pleased. The armor looks nice, but more importantly, the good forerunner style is back.

If you're toying with us, you're very mean and I don't like you.

he's probably referring to chief's armor and the troopers changing back to CE looks.

>Return to classic Halo with modern playlists and gametypes
What does this mean? Does "modern" refer to sprint/"advanced" movement? Are you saying there will be prominent playlists with and without sprint?

Why would anyone be mad that the artstyle is getting fixed?

Hes saying it will be shit modes like Fiesta

No sprint, but thrusters and stabilizer.

because he's being pedantic and a faggot

The way people are stacked together jumping and shit that looks exactly like halo 3 when no one got power weapons yet and starting AR, i dont think there will be Reach bullshit.

>Halo 2-3 Chief biped poses

Don't believe they are fixing anything until we see some more stuff - signs are good but it's too little. They could easily be cashing in on nostalgia and just copying bungie shit without actually realizing why it's good. We will see.

Do you actually think I was angry about the classic art style or something

If you squint a little, it looks exactly like halo 3. How the Chiefs are standing. That strafe animation on that left guy is exactly like h2/3

Yes that is still what I'm expecting until we see something that isn't 2 inches tall and made of plastic.

"They clearly don't give a shit" did make it sound like you were mad, yes.

Fucking all of the poses are straight from Halo 2-3 Chief rigs. Look at the raised weapons. This is a bullshit fake.

Guy on the left was strafing, dual-wielding a Spiker and SMG

Honestly I could live with that, I've known there was no way we'd get pure classic movement.