Theres going to be a considerable amount of hype for this expansion considering how well the alpha is being received

Theres going to be a considerable amount of hype for this expansion considering how well the alpha is being received.

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>roguelike instance in WoW

lol they just keep heading further and further away from MMORPG

Its dead jim, stop shilling the dead game, it hasn't been "WoW" for a few expansions now

They fired Christine, I hope. I hope there isn't SJW bullshit in this expansion.

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Ya know at this fucking point, Blizzard's retardation could actually make the game good again. Look at Legion for example.

And then Ion will pull a fast one and ruin everything again.

classic bros.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


>They fired Christine

They did? That's the first thing they did right in ages.

not him but compared to abominations like WoD and BfA? Yeah.

Except the new writer looks like an SJW. She was holding a book she wrote which was a Shadow of Mordor novel, so I hope she doesn't add politics into the story...

>Trusting Ion Hack-a-Cost-ass after three expansions of shit systems nobody liked

>I hope she doesn't add politics to the story
>Scarlet Crusade fake news
>Horde whitewashing
user, I...

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have they gave out the level squish formula yet


It's the same story every fucking expansion.
Blizzard is retarded, the game will at best be interesting for a month until people recognize the boring the edgeless grind they have ahead of them.
Yeah nah.

Our /chad/ Asmongold believes it may be the best new expac

fuck off


>The people Blizzard handpicked from their most rabid fans are excited and that means I am too!
Hahaha wow you monkeys never fail to disappoint me.

>fake news
t. the boy king

Compared to burning shit doesn't negate it from being shit either. It doesn't deserve a pass just because it's lucky to be between the worst expansions at their time.

>they just keep heading further and further away from MMORPG
This is a good thing. The sooner it returns to its gaming roots, the sooner we can see a renaissance like we did with Legion's overt Diablo loot focus.

As one of the undead Forsaken, you have been reanimated by dark magic. Though shunned by the living, you tirelessly strive to protect them."

This is a joke, right? Are they seriously whitewashing over a decade of dedication toward making a plague to wipe out all the living?

check wowhead, new Horde player intros are a goldmine

They've already corrected this in the newet build. Which is good because it was pants on head retarded.

Honestly, I have a soft spot for Warceaft and WoW. But it feels like no one who works on the game feels the same way. It seems like they don't give a shit and do the bare minimum.

Got a link? Don't feel like browsing that shit.

You knew this the moment they made Garrosh the new Warchief, nobody who cares about the setting would have let that happen.

There's considerable hype for every expansion, it's part of the natural cycle.

Even ignoring the shitty writers and Actiblizz fuckery, the problem is they're just trying to tell a story that isn't suited to an MMO format.

Horde and Alliance should have splintered years ago over whats happened in the stories, but they stay together simply because they have to otherwise it would go against the idea of have 2 playable factions

Garrosh's arc was so fucking lame. Typical Metzen hackery, but at least the guy fucking gave a shit. Funny enough round, around Cata and Diablo 3's development he found Jesus and his storytelling got even MORE cliche.

Apparently there was originally an idea to have Garry lead a redeemed, yet old-school style horde. But in the end they just did gay sha shit with him. Pandaland sucked. And time-travel sucks too.

If we get four faction pvp then I'm down

Honestly they should have buried the hatchet over 8 years ago, but instead of war fatigue apparently their respective populations are just constantly raring to go at each other (and then the Alliance decides to just let the Horde recuperate and come at them again because lmao :^)))

Worse is how they can't even manage to make your character feel like they are part of the world. You can have saved the world a dozen times over and nobody will acknowledge it, here go kill some murlocs for a couple of coins d00d... You go from faction leader in Legion to... who the fuck was this guy again? In BfA, just completely abandoning your duties as a leader of your class because hurrr durrr warcraft so derrr musss be warrrrrrr (oh btw both sides are the good guys too :DDD)

its sort of sad that the devs are such carebears and that the entire game is based around PvE servers. The game has so much potential for PvP zones but every time the devs dabble in PvP they fuck it up and their PvP zone ideas are either really basic like capture the flag or so bad they are mind blowing, i was literally in awe by how bad WoD pvp zone was, like what the fuck were they thinking? Yes even i could do better.

Garrosh only ever gave a shit about himself you spastic. From his weeping over HIS loss of his granny, to HIS pride as a commander in WotLK escalating the war, and then HIS vision of the Horde no matter what anyone else wanted (despite him being the stranger in foreign lands)

He had no fucking excuse to become warchief other than some of the most absurd and retarded nepotism I've ever seen.

>horde and alliance are having a scuffle again!
>oh look, new world ending threat play nice kiddies!
>world ending threat dead through power of love and friendship
>horde and alliance are having a scuffle again!