Thoughts on company banning people from playing in Tournaments?
Thoughts on company banning people from playing in Tournaments?
I mean LTG is a schizo and largely unlikable so it's a good thing to me, so long as he makes more content of him whining about it
Thats the best part of LTG. Not sure why people hate him so much.
Teaching people to either have a low online presence, and therefore not get famous. Or to fall in line with the rest of the leftwing twittersphere rulers and not question the tribe.
Pretty homosexual of them. They should at least give them refunds.
they should ban more people
fgc is just tranny niggers
Funny how other top FGC said the N word too but they won't ban them
his ego is way too fragile. he talks big in his pre-made videos but you can tell he's fighting back tears on every loss on stream.
at least dsp will snort and wooooow and move on with his life. ltg seems like he's always 1 loss away from a spree killing.
Tranny Tran
They can ban whoever they want. FWIW, LTG is a shit player and wasn't going to these tournaments anyway. Ceroblast, however, loses out big time from this.
fucking retard it is really not that hard to not say the n-word or be racist/homophobic/transphobic
even if you're actually against these groups, just don't say anything holy shit
Yikes man watch the R word usage.
This is what capitalism entails. When private companies are in charge of sports, sports need to bend over and take it deep in the anus to protect sacred cow company profit
No one said it isn't easy. Of course it's easy, that's why low-IQ people like you have no problem with it.
It's just that it's morally wrong. A Redditor could never understand.
I'm pretty sure they've all said faggot at one point too, which makes this whole controversy more hilarious.
What the fuck kind of name is this? How do you even pronounce this?
wow a bad-faith comparison featuring wojaks you really got me dude
Did you think that this magical incantation you learned from your pseudointellectual manlet king would automatically win you every argument as soon as you spurted it out of your chinless mouth?
yes go after the term I used and not the argument love it
What is there to be gained from censoring dissent? If it is wrong, shouldn't its wrongness be evident and therefore no threat?
Please ignore wojack and frog posters unless you're actually as starved for attention as they are.
Because he is a whiny bitch.
E-celeb board when?
You had no argument, lol. You actually did what you accused me of doing just now: go after a meme that appeared in the post instead of the argument.
God, why is it so easy to utterly destroy manlet pseuds?
>say words
>future stolen
Do you think successful white people are closet nazis or something? How retarded do you have to be.
its not censoring, armchair activist. its just capcom saying they want all the nigger tranny whining outside of their event.
>It's not censorship, we're just preventing you from expressing ideas publicly
Based and AF as fuck.
you can scream "fire fire fire" all you want.
just stay out of the library.
The NitW thing is actually worse than all the censorship shit, because there was never proof to the allegation and the dude ended up killing himself. But it's ok when the left does it.
What does this have to do with the post? Could you stop trying to sound smart for 5 seconds? You just look like a dumbass.
its the most basic and well known example of how freedom of speech works.
I couldn't put it into words why I don't like him but you can tell he acts like he's above everything but you can obviously see it get to him
his real name is Dale Wilson, which is also on tax papers, but he's been pushing Shakazulu Pheasant for years so people don't get the idea to look up arrest records.
his excuse is muh slave name like he's kunta kinte.
>player code of conduct
If it's said when not playing the game they are not players. This is why CoCs are 100% manufactured bullshit they apply 24x7 it's dystopian bullshit.
Capcom MUST ban 100% of muslim players RIGHT NOW as their beliefs are against the code of conduct.
No, "Screaming fire in a crowded theater" is the most basic & well known fallacy used to suppress freedom of expression.
Saying that abortion is wrong, transsexuality is unhealthy, or black people have lower IQs than whites & asians is laughably distant from "screaming fire in a crowded theater". Any attempt to compare the two is a false equivalence.
The tranny only said NIGGA once like two years ago in a random tweet. LTG chimps out at anyone for anything constantly every single day, calling everyone niggers, coons, faggots, ect and telling them to kill themselves.
Banning LTG makes sense because he is an actual "toxic" person for the FCG, banning the tranny doesn't.
How did you miss the point this hard you absolute dumbass.
It really is no wonder people like you are so easily conned into giving away their freedoms.
please show me the source where capcom banned them from saying nigger.
holy mother of butthurt trannies
An actual moron. Im not surprised.
Athletes get banned for bad behaviour all the time.
>Saying that abortion is wrong, transsexuality is unhealthy, or black people have lower IQs than whites & asians
Literally no one is preventing you from saying this. You can say this as much as you want. You will not be fined or go to jail.
People are free to associate with whomever they choose. Often you will find yourself ostracized if you repeatedly insist on saying ignorant and incisive shit.
We aren't even discussing this ban in particular, just freedom of speech and censorship generally. There is no point discussing this ban (or any ban in particular) because companies' legal departments prevent them from disclosing specific reasons for bans.
banning either of them is stupid because cero is a nobody and ltg hasn't mustered up the courage to pool in any tournament in years
Yeah, it is pretty pathetic LTG made it into a huge deal because he was banned to also get the tranny banned. Crabs in a bucket tier shit.
It's insanely piety.
Live by the cancel culture, die by the cancel culture you hypocritical tranny.
Good, and they should ban them for life.
You can say nigga all you want but do it on Yas Forums or around your friends, not exposing your autistic retard ass on stream.
>Literally no one is preventing you from saying this. You can say this as much as you want. You will not be fined or go to jail.
You will lose your job, lose your banking, lose your online accounts, be subject to mod justice, etc. Freedom of speech is not just a law, it's an ideological principle: people should be allowed to express ideas without being punished. Anything else is tyranny by degrees. I don't care about your opinion of what degree of tyranny is acceptable.
Your retarded ass might have a point if LTG got caught mocking a tranny's axewound on camera at EVO, but considering all of this took place outside of tournaments, it's like if the library banned you for tweeting "I love fire" once two years ago.
>implying there will be tournaments in a year or 2
LTG won. He doesn't even go anyways and now managed to flip the whole situation on the Tranny who's doubling down on the racism
>giving away their freedoms
shut the fuck up. You stormfags constantly go on about how my race shouldn't have my freedoms in the first place. It's like you want to corrupt that word so it becomes meaningless.
>b-but I'm not a stormfag...
You started all this shit with a meme literally defending stormfront. Get the fuck off Yas Forums already.
>Cancel other people for saying bad words
>Get cancelled yourself
>Act like you're the victim
Why should anyone have sympathy for Cero?
Saying nigger on top of someone else's pedestal without their consent is tyranny. I agree that they're a tranny for not letting you, but it's still their pedestal.
no one is being censored. if a private company doesn't like you or your opinions, they have a right to tell you to kick rocks.
they're only banned from cpt, not every single tournament in world.
Has anyone noticed that leftist ideology has become all about taking away people's rights and framing it as giving more rights to someone else?
>We're not removing the baby's right to live, we're giving the mother the right to kill babies
>We're not taking away freedom of speech, we're giving people the right to censor speech they dislike
It's the most insidious word-game on level with redefining "gender" to be different from "sex" and then implying when it's convenient for you that sex & gender are the same thing, then implying they're separate in the next breath,
because commentator james chen and ultradavid defended gllty who sexually assaulted people at events
Yes, people are 100% absolutely being censored. You are simply arguing that corporations have the right to censor people.
>he is an actual "toxic"
YIKES we got beta male tranny here. Anyone who calls someone toxic unironically can't be taken seriously. Stop consuming soi products.
Also your tranny friend has doubled down on the racism by saying it on stream while also blaming black people. You tranny fags on suicide watch
>You will lose your job, lose your banking, lose your online accounts, be subject to mod justice
Like I fucking said. People are free to ostracize you if you repeatedly insist on saying ignorant incisive shit. You are not owed a job, or a bank account, or a forum account.
> Freedom of speech is not just a law, it's an ideological principle: people should be allowed to express ideas without being punished
Punished BY THE LAW. The law is not going to force free individuals to deal with your uneducated anti-intellectual autistic rants.
>Anything else is tyranny by degrees. I don't care about your opinion of what degree of tyranny is acceptable.
and yet I bet you would ban LGBT people in a heartbeat.
>LTG is a shit player anyways
>says guys who never go tournaments and always bitch on Yas Forums about fighting games being too hard
Un-elected corporate leaders buying everything in the world and then setting their own personal laws for how you should be able to behave, speak or even think is tyranny. You are literally a slave advocating for your right to be enslaved.
they do
No, the leftist and authoritarian option would be to force others to let you do whatever you want on their platform that they paid for. The best argument against this is that many major platforms have been subsidized by our stolen tax money and therefore have no right to silence us.
>Has anyone noticed that leftist ideology has become all about taking away people's rights and framing it as giving more rights to someone else?
>People are free to ostracize you if you repeatedly insist on saying ignorant incisive shit. You are not owed a job, or a bank account, or a forum account.
What are you even saying? Yes, they can physically do those things, just like I can hunt you down and murder you because you said that Skub is good. Does that mean those things are right because we technically have the power to do them?
Americans have fundamentally diseased brains that are programmed to worship corporations and defend them at every turn
im sorry i missed the cpt schedule where every contestant gives a tedtalk and isn't merely shown playing a video game un-micced.
Not that user, but are you ok with businesses also declining to serve minorities or LGBT people or are they only allowed to decline serving people with wrong political opinions?
>we're giving people the right to censor speech they dislike
Except this has always been the case.
Why does "Freedom of Speech" now mean "Force everyone to listen to my favorite alt-right video about shit that got debunked in the 80s"?
>ltg doesn't go to tournaments
>gets banned from tournaments
>doesn't fucking matter
>tranny begging for sponsorship
>gets banned from tournaments
>esports livelihood ruined
based ltg
has anybody noticed this thread is 1 guy yelling at herself like a deranged tranny bot while being completely irrelevant?
he won't answer this. and if he does it will be a cop out
>Does that mean those things are right because we technically have the power to do them?
>Thats the best part of LTG.
like, in an ironic way?
making you feel better about yourself?
So where do you draw the line? Must private companies service you? What about their right to choose who they provide their service to? Remember, that right may be exercised for non-censure related matters, so how do you distinguish and justify a suspension of that right for FoS? What about private non-profit organisations? Are they forced to associate with you, or accept your patronage? What about private individuals? Friends, family? You clowns always make the Freedom of Speech out to be simple, when it's anything but. What you really mean is: I, personally, should have the freedom to be a dumb nigger, and the rest of the world shouldn't have any freedom to let my dumb nigger actions have ant consequences.
Muh brand safety and other bullshit.
Literally on suicide watch too
Also not that user, but yes I'd be fine with it.
No shit they can. Doesn't change the fact that it's morally void virtue signalling you absolute bootlicker.
The adult response would be to ignore that person, as they have commited no crimes, and their belief obviously don't represent the company's in any way. Instead we live in a world where a drop of clout will get you hounded out of your place of work, solely to please a crowd of angry censorship-prone reprobates.
If you own so much capital and so much land and so much of the nation's resources that your services become a public forum, you can no longer call them private services and enforce your own personal laws on them. That's how it should be.
No one gives a shit about your skin color muhammad.
i think the bans are fucking stupid and a non-solution to a non-existent problem.
but they're still not censorship.
Don't care. Don't affect me.
Yes, they are censorship. Punishing someone for expressing ideas is the definition of censorship.