so are advisors even the ruling race of the combine?
So are advisors even the ruling race of the combine?
Yo mamma is an advisor
thats why yo mamma dead
thats why yo granny aint got no knees
Advisors are not the ruling race of the combine, they have their own internal strife with the combine. Since they ARE at the upper echelon they realize their power and even question their need for the combine.
However they are still juvenile, really, they havent realized their true potential but they know the possibility of it. So they are stuck in this odd position of trying to stop anyone else from realizing their true potential, and CHIMing out, because they think they're the only ones that should be able to do it.
Yo mamma is the ruling race of the combine
They're just another conquered race. They're used as biological harddrives and middle management
i dont think theres any ruling "race", hence their name. plus in hl2 you hear breen talking to one about getting a host body to help his conciousness survive wherever they were trying to teleport him. i think the idea is that the evolution culminated in straight up conciousnesses of tons of races evolving alongside their technology tk the point of almost being borg like but more organically based tha technological.
no gaben is
I assume whatever kind of creature G-Man is the ruling caste. IE: 4D beings.
According to Laidlaw's shadow Twitter the Shu'ulathoi are just another ayylmao race that the Combine assimilated, mainly for their use as mass data storage centers and planetary overseers. They're also literally prepubescent grubs, once they reach adulthood they become mindless insects, so they attempt to prolong their current stage.
It's why one of the theories behind the G-Man is that he's actually just the projection of a freed grub using you to further diminish the Combine before they're all found.
aren't they just a race the combine found so they could use their bodies to transfer VIP consciousnesses into? It's implied that the upper echelons (from various species) get to go into one of those bodies if they perform well.
well isnt the combine name something the humans and resistance coined
but why would gman be sabotaging the combine by letting gordon loose
They're not a race, they're just host bodies for the consciousnesses of important members
I suspect these consciousnesses to be in some way manufactured or otherwise artificial
that's true but there is also a singularity point, they can become 4d beings when they reach that point.
Dead as hell
that im not really sure. breen only ever refers tk them as our benefactors
>They're not a race
Untrue. Breengrub outright describes how the Advisors' species functioned and how the Combine subjugated them.
whatever happened to barney?
last time you see him is at the end of ep 1
did he make it to white forest?
No, they're regional managers. They're literally called "Advisors", come on.
He spends his time enforcing GR15
>hence their name
It's combine, not combine.
You see their baglike bodies? All that is filled with high quality brain. Not low quality big brain like whale but high quality brain like rat. Rats are smart and only have like 1/1000000 of brain we have. Imagine how smart a rat brain that is 1000000 bigger that normal brain would be. And that would be just Human. Now multiply Human sized rat brain to fit the volume of advisor body. Masterrace.
How the fuck did the combine even manage to imprison fucking GMan?
Oh i see what your getting at
they were all around us the whole time hidden in plain sight
If he was a projection, then why (or how) was he being held captive inside the vault? On that note, I wonder how he was able to be captured at all. What did he do to fuck up that badly inbetween HL1 and HL2?
you wrote the same thing twice there
>I wonder how he was able to be captured at all
Using a SHITLOAD of Vortigaunts as batteries, and Vortigaunts have been shown to be able to interfere somewhat with him.
fuck no, they're a hyper-intelligent juvenile race that was enslaved by the combine via raping their minds with bad thoughts. the combine uses them like backup drives for brains, with promises of relevancy and importance that are instantly falsified once you're accepted in and realize you turned into an AI to be copied, deleted, and replaced at will.
via laidlaw's own words, a large portion of the advisors are quietly planning a rebellion but haven't been able to find a weakness to exploit. the vortiguants function on the same thought channels as the advisors, aka they can hear each other, and the advisors absolutely 100% do not trust them in any way. they believe the vortiguants are intentionally mysterious and have way too much free will and function within the combine's sphere of influence, leading them to believe they may be secret double agents within the combine's ranks.
the only description of the combine ruling race was given by laidlaw and is only about a sentence, that they make some kind of disgusting scritchety scratch sound as they move about
It's about infliction.
It's cOmbine, not combIne.
he got in to a gay internet fight with the rest of them
ESL here, what's the difference?
It's widely accepted GMan let himself be captured entirely as a test to prove Alyx was worth his employer's time.
It's also highly suggested the entire fucking game is a simulation put in place by GMan.
like is the theory the simulation is happening when eli dies?
I think people look too much into Half-Life lore. I think a lot of it is written to be mysterious and that you're not meant to know the answers to a lot of questions presented. I always thought of the combine as being some incomprehensible cosmic horror type of deal and that you only see a small speck of it in Half-Life 2. Seems like Episode 3 was going in that direction with the dyson sphere thing.
You are thinking of combine as in combination. The Combine from Half-Life is called that way because they steal Earth's resources and send them to their homeworld, like a combine harvester (pic related). This why the water level is so low in HL2.
What is ESL?
Well this was all speculation before HL:Alyx happened which, despite claims that Laidlaw had direct sideline involvement with the writers, had next to no final input on the story.
It's not like Valve hasn't ever changed their mind on ideas before anyways.
English as Second Language.
English isn't my first language as well.