So apparently JOUNREY is coming out for PC?

So apparently JOUNREY is coming out for PC?

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It just won't feel right on PC

>ywn play journey for the first time

I will on june 11 B]

seems like a waste of time to port over. I liked it and all but the new car smell of ps3 generation graphics and physics are stale at this point

It came out on EGS last year some time and had massive bugs.

Took them long enough

I want a proper walking simulator not this cheap garbage so I'll wait for Death Stranding instead


thanks for beta testing ps3fags pc wins again

Usually games that come to EGS are shilled to hell and back, journey for some reason got forgotten by EGS shills.


>Another walking sim

It's the best of the best walking sim.

Death stranding outdoes it tbqh

Death stranding is long and repetitive and if you don't have the right mindset it can get boring pretty fast. Journey on the other hand is short and intense. I feel like Journey is more easily enjoyed and appreciated.

Oh no, now everyone will find out it sucked

I got it for free on ps4, should I give it a spin bros?


Attached: Journey's end.png (261x318, 89.8K)

the PS3 really was known for brown n bloom lmao

>DUDE 2.5 hour walking sim
the end


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it was talked about on Yas Forums. I pirated it last year never finished it because the movement is so slow.

is this like abzu where you can "play" through the whole thing in 2 hours and then refund

if what you're looking for in a walking simulator is "short and intense", you're not looking for a good walking simulator. journey functioned more like a movie, you play it once for about 2 hours and then never touch it again.

Pirates don't get the full game because of the online component, sadly.

I can't play Journey after playing Sky: Children of the Light, so much better and repayable

You're right. And it was still a great experience.

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I can't play it because my phone is a potato, Google play doesn't even let me see it on the store so I had no idea it was already out

Hope they like it

Coming to Switch and PC this summer so give it a go then I suppose

Oh that's nice I guess
I'm more worried about not being able to play Out of Season April Fool's Joke honestly, though hopefully I might just end up buying one of those chink phones that offer the performance of phones that cost 3x as much

Its already out on PC. I think that may just be the steam version thats not out yet.

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good, that will revive the coop-aspect of it.

Yeah, they took Epic money so it was exclusive for one year
Normally I would have snapped it up immediately but I don't reward sellouts who take CCP money
But as there is no point in playing Journey without online I haven't pirated it either
Deep, deep discount is the only way I will bother buying it on Steam. If I have to give them money it's going to be as little as possible.