Can Phil be trusted?
Will he deliver?
Can Phil be trusted?
Will he deliver?
Yes. Xbox is going to BTFO Playstation this fall with a lower price, which is all normies care about anyway. Screencap this.
>went an entire generation without a single stand out exclusive
>still publishing mediocre exclusives as recently as last month (Bleeding Edge)
>cancelled scalebound and almost bankrupt platinum
Take your meds Barry
>bleeding edge
it's fucking shit and it's on steam you dumb fuck
You’re only strengthening my position
Phil Spencer is the best. I hope he pulls through and fucks over the PS5. I don't want another generation of Sonydomination.
t. early PS4 buyer
The man who single-handedly defeated Sony.
>buys Obsidian
>has them make a shitty survival game
Has he ever delivered? Didn't he announce like 6 Xbox one games one year and all of them got cancelled except Crackdown 3. Which turned out to be worse than the first two and also not deliver any it's promised mechanics. Like the fucking cloud.
So no. I don't think he can deliver.
Yes. His entire tenure for Xbone was damage control and salvation, building a brand in spite of being stuck with what they have. Now it's time for him to actually get to the real shit, and he's had a whole generation to prepare.
Why is he so based?
I'll wait to see the actual games before I start giving a shit. I don't understand why anyone thinks normalfags can remember what happened a week ago, much less the start of the year in terms of the "war" between xbone and ps5. Just like literally every system war before it, it'll be whoever releases first, and if not that, then whoever is cheapest. If not a large enough difference, then whoever pushed the hardest in marketing the week leading up to launch and throughout the holidays.
Lest we all forget, despite how terrible the xbone actually was, it still sold more than the ps4 opening holiday season.
>making anything other than mediocre trash
Muh hostageware!!! I won’t feel satisfied with my purchases unless there’s movies with a less than 10% attach rate of the userbase!
Have they made any other type of game?
Straight up clonning Fallout games, that's what they do best.
why does he talk like that
I could kick his ass but I wouldn't, out of respect and admiration.
damnit phil, i meant the OTHER kind of transparency
brevity to fit twitters 280 character limit, probably.
He's been saying this soulless vague marketing-speak bullshit since his appointment in 2014. Personally, I don't believe in him at all, I'm fully expecting another completely underwhelming generation though certainly better than the xbone.
Still, this new hardware and the software lineup with it are going to be fully "his" unlike xbox one so it's finally his time to shine
>questioning whether or not we can trust a straight, white man
Are you guys serious?
Phil will make gaming great again.
For this upcoming gen, he's done everything right so far, but I'm not going to get crazy hyped because of that, going to stay cautious. On the other hand, couldn't care less about Sony this next gen, all signs point to them getting too cocky, and I'm kind of sick of the movie game trend they're cashing in on.
this guy is a trex hand walking faggot
fuck him
Something about this picture made me feel weird then I realized it's because I've been in that very building
xbox box
trans box
When has this faggot ever delivered? 7 years and nothing for show. He puts Xbox games everywhere and acts like exclusives don't matter, he is the reason Xbox been in mud for years, watch him utterly fuck up and still be praised by those cucks.
Game Pass
As a pcphat, the only reason I still remember about xbox is because he put xbox games everywhere.
>yeah bro the games are coming just you wait pinky swear
Hell yes