What Went Wrong?
What Went Wrong?
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They decided that they wanted to have the game for current consoles instead of releasing on only PC and then next gen. Wasted opportunity,
What Skyrim mod is this?
The true version will be the next gen ports
Damn here I was thinking a Cyberpunk game was defined by its setting, art style and world building.
Turns out all you need is to hang some lights with lots of bloom in modern day Los Angeles and put even more niggers on screen and then it becomes a cyberpunk game.
Bravo CDPReddit Bravo
Welcome to Nig City
>Picture show clear sky
>Gameplay trailer shows elements that look muddy, dimmed and dirty
Shitposting gallore everytime.
Its kinda funny because I'm 100% certain that only a small group of autists is perpetuing their autistic behaviour that this game is shitty.
I went on imgur yesterday where one guy posted a Witcher meme. Every comment in the comment section praised the game and how great it was lmao.
Meanwhile people seeth 5 years after release on this board how "shit" the game is.
Give me Bug wife!
downgrades are okay when cdpr does it!
how dare you suggest assassins creed/batman/shadow of mordor combat is not boring!
>>horse follows path like rdr2 and ass creed
>>no mod support
>>no linux version
>>follow red farts quests
not similar to the detective vision/ass creed x-ray at all, no sir
inb4 contrarian
No but you see CDPR invented all of those and never stole shit from other games, they are true pioneers.
>Yas Forums collectively always shits on reddit
>Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit posts a new image/video.
>Instant shitpost thread on Yas Forums using the same image/video
Well Yas Forums for those who say you hate Reddit you seem to use it a lot.
How do you know it's from reddit you faggot redditor?
Fuck off bitch
hey retard got a more compressed blurry image? i can almost still barely read the text
not defending cdpr but mankind divided does something similar with the lighting but oh boy that game nailed the mood senpai. however they at least try with the npc's having all these bio cybernetic augmentations, the five oh's armor makes them look so bad ass.
not sure how to feel about cyberpunk but you got a point my dude, can't believe i didn't notice that lol
wish i had screen shots to share
Can someone post the original image? Is there a new video cus i'm seeing nothing.
Use your head dipshit, how do you think? Just like the majority of Yas Forums but I'm not afraid to admit it I've been to Reddit.
holy shit! I dont know about you but I started downloading all my GoG games before they dissapear when CDPR goes bankrupt over this flop
Witcher 3 looked like that too. It was beautiful because of the cutscenes and how it would zoom on faces on EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION.
But for some reason now everything is 1st person, and people are more worried about trannies or ugly V rather than not having A SINGLE CUTSCENE like the one from the trailer.
Yes retard, Yes!
Wrong, the true version will be the PC. But if they actually showed what the game looks like on a top tier PC, they'd get so much shit from the console fags due to how much worse it actually ends up looking on them.
The PC-level screens are out there, you just have to go and look. And the game looks fucking amazing. OP's just talking out of his ass as usual.
We all use reddit quit pretending, the difference is that we get banned in a minute just for disagreeing or not going with the hive mind so we come here where we can truly have freedom of speech.
Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit is empty since they banned like 50% of the users after the tranny and religion controversy.
No! I am not retard I am wife scholar!
are you really that stupid? porting to a new console won't improve the base content of the game that has been pruned to shit because of crappy hardware.
This is what happens when you put gays, trannies, and non-whites into stuff. They think they matter when all they are doing is ruining everything. Sad. RIP CD Projekt Red
I would 100% prefer an unvoiced protagonist and first person dialogue for a game like this but I trust CDPR not to fuck up that aspect of the game
Oh well, what was expected of Witcher 3 gay hunter, tranny elf, dyke ciri, empowered feminist anarietta, constant you go girl and twice the "it's current year women can be whatever they want".
What! I cannot understand post user! I cannot! What! Do not worry user it is okay user because I do want cute cyberpunk wifes user! I do! You are a good user!
I prefer the opposite. I hate mute protagonists and first person, like in Outer Worlds, I felt so unattached to the character, how can I even roleplay a thing I never see?
People who self insert in games are sad. RPGs are meant for acting, putting yourself in someone's role, it's gonna suck the role of V when we won't see his face the entire game.
How do you play Skyrim?
This game looks pretty shit I feel confident that my 1050ti can at least get 45fps on it, maybe more if I can disable all the stupid RTX options.
That's probably a man.
The game won't have pretty woman, and much less let you fuck any woman. Straight V was a last minute addition.
What! I do need cute wifes user! I do! What! I am cute heterosexual human male wife scholar! I am! What! You are a good user!
>falling for early stage bullshots and pre-rendered graphics
In Third Person and constantly taking pictures of my pretty character.
Outer Worlds won't even let you look at yourself and in the inventory white characters look black. And here in cyberpunk it seems only in mirrors you will see yourself. IT FUCKING SUCKS.
>expecting soul from AAA
lmao at you
I don't want to self insert, i just don't trust devs to actually make a game where I can genuinely roleplay when the protagonist has an established voice and demeanor to them
compare Fallout 4 to New Vegas, it's literally night and day in the RP department which is pretty fucking important in an RPG whether you prefer it my way or the other
I trust CDPR's judgement and astronomical budget to make sure the protagonist doesn't get in the player's way but who knows
It really looks like a decade old game.
You're a retard. Taking pictures as some kind of tranny. Did you hate Deus Ex as well?
Why is the voice such a turn off for you? You can't play a mute. One way or another you're gonna have a voice, either you imagine it or the game gives it to you. I understand sometimes the protagonist voice sucks, like in DA:I the british voice was TOO GAY and soft and I wanted an extremely manly and aggressive character, but I just had the option to pick the american manly voice.
The voice of male V is not bad at all, if it's not the character you pictured because you wanted your V with a russian accent then you'll have to think of another character to fit the voice.
What? That's a cgi trailer
Seethe eternal
Never played it, don't tell me it's in 1st person too because it's on my list. Ughhhh I hate 1st person RPGs, I never had a problem with Fallout and Elder Scrolls because you can go into 3rd person.
Go back
>By preventing you from joining factions we are giving you more freedom
Nop buddy, that was an actual scene from the game, they said it themselves, HELL, they even had a huge "THIS SCENE HAS SPOILERS" and had to confirm there are ways to let Jackie live.
That entire scene, meeting Keanu, the elevator scene with female V and Jackie on the very first trailer, etc were all in game. But got removed and are now first person.
Downgrades are a fact of life. Its shitty but no game ever lives up to the trailer hype. If you take the promotional material at face value your the fool.
minus the rubbish all over the place, some arcades in japan look like this
Nope fundamental stuff like physics and amount of interiors and alot of other stuff in the game is tied to the least powerful platform which is a the ps4 and xbox one which use a notebook cpu from 2012 and a gtx 750. Next gen and PC will only see a bump in resolution and shiny graphics. The game is being downgraded to run on potato station and rockbox.
>all games are downgraded
absolute cope
prove that every game ever released got pic related of a treatment
If you join a faction you'll be railroaded into abiding by that factions rules etc. Being for hire means you can work with those factions in any way you like.
It's ok to downgrade as long as the consumer knows they are not buying the same game from the trailers.
They don't owe us 2020 graphics, it would be nice to get em but it's up to them what graphics the game ends up with. And up to us if it deserves our money.
>If you join a faction
yes and that could've been optional
just like the many different things you could choose to do in those factions etc. there is no excuse