>Fun Melee Gameplay >Characters people ACTUALLY WANT (it took us 15 years for Banjo, a character nobody wanted compared to Geno, Lyn, Isaac and Waluigi) >Cool ass stages >Awesome remixes
Why do people prefer Shitimate again?
>"Wavedashing is haaaarrddd"
It's literally quickly pressing jump, corner down and dodge in the same second, you'll be good with it within just minutes of practice
Nigga I play King of Fighters and Tekken. Dafuq you playing, gay ass Mortal Kombat?
Julian Powell
project m is based. these garbage mugen-tier mods made by high schoolers with free time are cringe as hell.
Joshua Gutierrez
Real fighting games have garbage online and no population
Leo Jenkins
Maybe that says something about the genre as a whole being irrevocably shit.
Cooper Ward
>a character nobody wanted compared to Geno, Lyn, Isaac and Waluigi) 1: Those characters all suck shit. 2: Their execution in Legacy is fucking garbage. Shadow was a good addition, Ridley and Mage Ganondorf are fun, but those and Metal Sonic suck fucking ass.
Landon Baker
>Characters people ACTUALLY WANT >Toon Zelda among other shitters
Asher Brown
1: the only good mod of brawl is Brawl- because its kind of like smash mixed scuffed MvC 2: my main's not in this, no wii fit no go
Samuel Davis
this roster looks dumb as shit and saturated with clones
Sebastian James
Well smash only has one of those two things
Lincoln Brown
>fanbase self-cannibalizes over a shitty party game with le ebin character crossovers why are smashfaggots so mean and autistic
Cooper Ross
Brawl mods are neat but those with MUGEN-tier picks make it harder for me to take them seriously.
Benjamin Price
What are some good Brawl modes with a massive amount of characters?
Samuel King
This is the one with the most massive amount
Also, I'll play Remix when all Ultimate characters plus DLC are backported. Try me.
Michael Bennett
You haven't seen Universe
Chase Taylor
I'm afraid to ask.
Jason Walker
This is Smash Bros Universe, more characters were in future builds but the project eventually was cancelled.
>That lack of a unified art direction with those CSS icons >That half-assed sorting by franchise
The fuck is this? It's like one of those dumb huge roster shoops I've seen since Melee. If those are all actually playable I can only imagine they're going to be rough as fuck to play in practice.
>>Fun Melee Gameplay >>Characters people ACTUALLY WANT (it took us 15 years for Banjo, a character nobody wanted compared to Geno, Lyn, Isaac and Waluigi) >>Cool ass stages >>Awesome remixes >Why do people prefer Shitimate again? >>"Wavedashing is haaaarrddd" >It's literally quickly pressing jump, corner down and dodge in the same second, you'll be good with it within just minutes of practice
Banjo greater then all the cast in project m.
You are a colossal faggot. Shut your useless hole.
Andrew Richardson
/ssbrg/ - Super Smash Bros Roster General
Parker Thomas
>characters people actually want >like half the "new" ones are just shit that they ported backwards from 4/Ultimate >some others are just no effort clones
No, but please, tell me how some pajeet in his basement is an amazing game designer because he fucked with existing framework and assets.
This lmao. Anyone remember Icons? This is what happens when these hacks let this shit get to their head and believe they actually have what it takes to make a whole game just cause they changed a few parameters in someone else’s code and modified models of existing copyrighted characters.
Friendly reminder that these cucks got 7 million dollars in funding to make this turd. More than Sakurai got to make Melee, and they spent it all on Onions Latte Fridays and other bullshit like that.
Cameron Hill
Slap City's early access overshadowing Icons gets me every time.