Who is the best Saber and why is it Nero?
Who is the best Saber and why is it Nero?
Not video games.
My Emperor Nero is so cute!
Mordred is better
She's literally from one of the few video games in the series
your mom is not a video game but that didn't stop me playing here every night
Morfags are gays in denial
Ur gay fggit
i love my emperor
CCC translation When?
Reminder that you have to have originated from a video game to get into smash and since VNs are not vidya, Nero is the Fate rep and not Altria.
literal retard
shes so cute
Imagine being this retard
Don't make me say it!
Just watch the full one on youtube
broken sword
Big breasted slut
Is it possible to get a servant pregnant?
Kill Nero
How tall is Nero compared to me? I'm 175 cm.
Only if they're incarnated like you waste your grail wish on making them real or you pocket mud them like Gilgamesh was in F/Z.
Still not a terrible idea if you can maintain the mana upkeep on them though. Depending on the servant you have, you'd be capable of kick-starting a magus bloodline using high mystery goods.
Lucky for you, manlet, she's only 4 ft 9.
Okay so my friend and I are arguing some pretty stupid Fate stuff and we want other opinions
How well would old worm fuck fare against a servant?
Superior red saber
Assuming he didn't get ambushed he'd probably find some weakness to take advantage of
Best Saber is burger king
How do mana transfers with male servants work?
ponos in bunghole
>You have to be gay to give mana to servant
>Order my servant to kill himself
Vanila Seibah is cute.
Just don't be a shit-tier mage like Shirou and you can give them mana without the sex