I finally played through this game. I did it because I want to see what you guys like about it. I'm confused.
I finally played through this game. I did it because I want to see what you guys like about it. I'm confused
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Did you enjoy it?
Nostalgia + Chao Garden + The speed levels are pretty fun
You had to be there. SA2 is basically just a vehicle for early 2000s nostalgia and I'm not ashamed to admit I like it mostly for that.
It was a product of the "extreme sports" time.
City escape got me interested in music, foo fighters remix incoming
Some of the levels blow but Meteor Herd is my jam and the missions make the Chao grind bearable.
It's a product of it's time, like A Goofy Movie. But it's still pretty good even to this day.
This game IS the year 2000
Soap shoes were actually a thing and were as stupid as it sounds actually had a huge following and shit like xgames was also huge and sonic adventure 2 capitalized on that which is what make the game so huge
soap shoes
the soundtrack reminds me of a tupac song
How can a game be about 2000s nostalgia if it was made in the 2000s
>itt: another episode of retards pretending their furshit was ever good
this is the best game in the series and it is barely mediocre. cope harder sonicshitters
Its shit.
The first Adventure game is the good one.
>t. Retards that can't cope with all of this 2000s KINO
Name a single thing in SA2 as kino as this;
I'll wait
Better luck next time, fuckboy
being retarded is truly suffering
I'm sorry you have to suffer
>playing games to compare his opinions to others
I am confused too. Seems a waste of time.
I played it for the first time last month and I thoroughly enjoyed it
>this is the best game in the series
i played it for the first time a week ago. grew up with adventure 1
just downloaded a complete save and only played the sonic and shadow levels
Fight me
Cause it's the subject of the nostalgia. It's not a modern "HEY REMEMBER THING?" nostalgia its the "Going through your old things and finding something from your childhood" nostalgia
you missed some of the best tracks in the game by skipping the knuckles levels
It's really only good when you play for score and go for A ranks. It's also only good AFTER you go through the main story and get certain power ups, cause the mechs control like dogshit before you get the jetboosts.
You might not believe me and you've given the game a fair shake already, so I dont blame you if you've given up on it. However, I'd recommend trying for score focused A ranks at least a little before dismissing the game.
So you actually mean in not buzzword
>It's ok when I look back at my childhood
>Hey fans did you member the good ol days? Yeah, me too
Basically Yas Forums's hivemind contrarian mentality, if everyone notices your stalgia it's bad, if it's "secret club" nostalgia it's good.
are you retarded?
The Knuckles and Rouge stages are honestly really fun to me and have some pretty cool level designs. The thing is they're way more fun when you're taking your time and exploring which the game doesn't want you to do.
The first couple of mech stages are a big slog but the later ones are a decent time
I love this game without really having a nostalgic connection to it.
It just feels like what I want Sonic to be and if the series kept on this track the franchise may have still been the rival to Mario it was meant to be.
The only good Rouge level is the first one.
hahaha we are all going to pretend we hate the adventure games again
wow I love this joke hahaha im sure glad I browse Yas Forums
I was introduced to the adventure series through retrospective bashing so I just thought the general consensus was that these games weren't that good.
But then people started doing retrospectives on the hateful retrospectives proving why the Adventure games ARE good. Now I'm just confused
Make your own opinion.
I hate SA1. 2 was much better.
It's a bad game but has tons of SOUL