>game has digital movement
>can't use dpad
Game has digital movement
Digital movement is unacceptable in the year 2020. We live in analog works not digital
>digital movement
what does that even mean
Kill yourself brainlet
8 gridlocked directions
Fucking google it retard
Digital movement as opposed to analog, fucking zoomers have Google and they still cant figure shit out
Maybe because the original didn't have it, for some reason it seems that the instant diagonal movement is introduced d-pads are no longer acceptable, a weird modern trend.
>HP meter is at half
>eat food such as candy it restores hyper points
>makes sense
>drink medicine, somehow this increases your hyper points too
Uhh gamedevs?
nothing comes up in google for either. this is some made up phrasing by video game fans or something
normal fag! Learn how to use a search engine. if you stick a shovel in the ground do you get iron on the first load? Dig a little.
>searches digital movement
>nothing related to videogames
>searches digital movement video games
>still nothing
same thing for analog. i'm thinking this is some Yas Forums lingo i am too newfag to know about, because it doesn't exist anywhere else on the internet.
>hyper points
absolute fucking brainlet
I assume he means binary movement. Not digital movement.
Very weird modern trend.
I guess the further into the century we go, the dpad switch that Logitech pionered might become normal on third party controllers.
I'm starting to believe it's a marketing ploy. Back in the day the best way to play fighters on consoles was to have a good d-pad, nowadays "the right way" is with an arcade stick.
You have no idea what either of those words mean
Are you sure you don't want to use more words user?
So little is boring to read.
How fucking stupid are you
based brainlet
>binary movement
This is really good bait or you're exceptionally stupid. Just google digital or analog and then extrapolate what they mean in the context of movement in a video game. Or learn how to use keywords and find the wikipedia page for digital/analog input
how does this tell me what differentiates "digital movement" in videogames from something else? all movement and everything found in videogames are digital and represented with binary coding. is there some sort of quantum movement for video games played on quantum computers? I don't think switch uses quantom computing for it to work for zelda
>binary movement
This might actually be the dumbest thing I've read all week.
>You're moving or you're not
Any games like this?
>i dont even play videogames
Good bait until now, we know you're not being sincere because analog clocks still exist and almost everyone will have had some experience and thoughts behind them because you have to learn how to read them.
maybe if you were on the planet long enough to be around for what dichotomy 'digital vs analog' means then you'd understand
but that's not the issue, the issue is if you just lurked more you would have just learned
Analog movement is something like Super Mario Odyssey, where you can move in 360 degrees — The exact angle your thumb stick is tilted in is the exact angle the character runs.
Digital movement is movement on a grid, like older Pokemon games or 2D Zelda — When you tilt your thumb stick in a direction, the character moves along the grid in the direction the thumb stick is pointing in the most.
i don't understand how analog clocks have to do with coding
>this level of bait-brain
analog implies continuous, digital implies discrete
okay but how does post tell me that. by that definition all movement found in videogames are digital.
You have no idea what either of those words mean, retard.
but you can't use a dpad so the game uses digital movement? is OP wrong?
I mean so the game DOESN'T use digital movement, because the game doesn't use a dpad. and op said the game has digital movement.
You know, I had a small shred of hope that you weren't baiting. Kill yourself.
so you don't know what digital or analog means, you haven't played the game, and you can't read
what are you doing here
Link's movement is restricted to the 8 directions of the digital pad despite the fact that you control link using the analog stick
You can't use the digital pad to control Link even though he only moves in the 8 directions that a digital pad can input, instead of all the directions the analog stick could allow him to go.
Are we done here
how does this apply to videogames?
analog stick, digital pad
you'd know if you played a single one
This boy is really bad at abstracting ideas which is a symptom of autism
Holy fucking shit, that's the point of this thread op said that the way the game is programmed and designed would much better fit the d-pad and they don't give you the option instead they throw the analog stick and don't even give 360 degree motion. How are you so stupid.
The joycon """d pad""" is amazing for doing a quick hadoken
ops post says the game uses digital input while post explains that digital input is simply what a dpad is. but the game as op explained doesn't use a dpad.