post casual filters
Post casual filters
What is this from? It looks cool.
Matador from SMT Nocrurne
*Nocturne, fuck my fast typing.
Diddy kong racing 64
Thank you!
Well FFX has some dumb difficutly spikes, like The Airship battle, Yunalesca and the first and second Seymour battles.
*casts Agi*
Matador isn't even a casual filter in any way. He just seems hard because he was shoved in randomly as a extra boss for the area for rereleases of Nocturne.
im at this guy on my first playthrough, got filtered hard my first attempt but i think i just need to get some levels on my guys
Protip: he hits harder when he loses some MP. If you have time, just heal. Do not attack. Once he uses all his MP (yes, enemies in SMT are not like Final Fantasy enemies with unlimited MP) , start attacking him. Once you deal him enough damage he will start using stronger attacks, but since his MP is zero, those attacks will fail. (you will see "insuficient MP" message)
pick your layer, fagola
Better tip, use buffs.
Most enemies and bosses are programmed to automatically use Dekaja/Dekunda once the amount of buffs/debuffs becomes 4 or more. So just keep Matador at around 2/3 Sukundas, or maybe a Fog Breath and a Tarunda if you have one at this point.
If he keeps using Red Capote then take advantage of those wasted turns by either healing or attacking. Yes, I know he still has one more turn but he isn't gonna use Andalucia until halfway in.
Don't use demons that are sensitive to Force.
Casuals who can't into buffs or intelligent fusion will be filtered here
Playing Nocturne for the first time on hard.
Only two deaths so far were ignoring the old woman and the boy telling me to follow them and going right instead, and getting chain agi+maragi'd by a team of Hua Po.
Forneus was a complete pushover and my emulator crashed after getting into a battle at Shinjuku.
shut up declan
phantom was my rite of passage into the world of enjoying challenging videogames
>the state of Yas Forums
Buy the Hifumi Magatama and equip it on MC (or if you have a good healer, use the Kamudo Magatama instead)
Use demons who are immune to force (Zan)
Put one debuff on Matador every turn to make him waste a turn on Dekunda (I prefer Rakunda because it's the cheapest)
Use Sukukaja (4 times to max out its effects)
Don't use force (Zan) attacks
If you have Dekaja or Dekaja Rocks, use them to get rid of his Red Capote, but they are really hard to come by at that point in the game
Not that user but seriously? I went through the whole game on hard thinking 3 was the cap.
>le secret club hehehe let's say the wrong thing so the game I like doesnt get a new fan cause Yas Forums told me new = bad
It's not. You can test it with Tarukaja/Rakunda and watch your damage output after every use.
Dude SA as a whole fucking filtered me hard, and I had already 1cc'd EoSD, IN (both routes), and MoF when it came out.
Everything before Matador can be easily cleared without any buffs. The game never even gives you a hint you should use them. That's what makes Matador a problem: lack of preparation.