Final Fantasy XII just added the Switch/Xbox exclusive features such as the job reset and the 3 gambit sets to the PC version. It is also on sale right now. This is now the definitive version of the game.
New update + sale
Does TZA runs well on a GTX 660 Ti? I'd drop my PCSX2 playthrough for this version if it runs well since it has job reset and using that editor to change every fucking license just to try a different class is a pain in the ass
Maybe those niggers will add DQ11 S content at some point too then.
HOLY SHIT! thx for the headsup fellow 4channeler
They should care more than me, really. Either they add it and I buy the game or they don't and I pirate and emulate it instead (I'm in no rush to play it, so I can wait). I win either way, but they only do in one scenario.
oh no square would be devastated
Considering they were always bitchy about how their games sell, then yeah, maybe? Remember Deus Ex and Tomb Raider.
dragon quest is an iconic series that sells millions within days just in japan alone user
>also removed Denuvo
very tempting
What about the PS4 version
Why is it so expensive for an old game? Is it worth buying instead of emulating the ps2 version?
It also only sells in Japan
>This is now the definitive version of the game.
Can you disable DoF on PC now?
>The Zodiac Age
Is it actually that good? I played 12 on my PS2 years ago and I fucking loved it, despite not actually finishing it. I was going to replay it this summer on pcsx2.
Should I play TZA instead? And is it a good port?
Oh, for some reason I read and thought this was 11, and had gone f2p.
you could reset jobs with mods since forever ago though
denuvo removal is based however
And Tomb Raider 2013 sold 3.4 mln copies in 3 weeks. You know what Square said?
>On 26 March 2013, Square Enix announced that the game sold 3.4 million copies worldwide at retail, but has failed to reach predicted sales targets.
Don't play vanilla. It's a huge time waster and has worse gameplay than Zodiac Age.
You need a more powerful PC to run PCSX2 than a PS2 port.
yes and yes
its based on the ps2 international version which had 12 different license boards based on jobs
in this version though you can choose two jobs per characters, and now you can respec on pc too like you could on switch
it also has a reorchestrated ost which is a straight upgrade over the original
oh, and it has a 100 floors boss rush mode thing where you can get really good loot
Do I buy this and make my fourth attempt at trying to play through this game
Play vanilla. Every other version is too easy and makes the gameplay overly streamlined with too much access to the essential parts of licence boards.
imagine playing a FF game for a "challenge" lmao
lol is there anyway to change the font in Zodiac Age to the old one? Still kinda bugs me. Surely there's a mod out there?
Vanilla is a huge time sink for no good reason due to no fast forward. Only masochists play vanilla today. Maybe IZJE is a decent compromise?
That's literally all there is to a game that plays itself
What does the 3 gambits sets mean? I'm planning to get a physical copy of the PS4 ver and I'd like to know if that's anything important
I thought vanilla was the "easiest" due to homogenized license boards and abusable quickenings.
>it also has a reorchestrated ost which is a straight upgrade over the original
Hol' up. Some of them sound better than the OG, but not all, IMO.
Fuck yeah, Glad I didn't buy it for the switch then. Goodbye $25
>job reset and the 3 gambit sets
Is there anything Square won't ruin in order to pander to the new flock of retards who are fresh from FF7demake? Filthy casuals.
What about the PS4 though?
Is a GTX 1650 GDDR6 enough to play?
you can just load up preset gambits for different situations on each character, instead of manually selecting and changing out one gambit at a time for every fight
the original is easy as fuck too you fucking autist, and doesnt have a fast foward function
Oh shit. This is the good shit.
Not only do other versions have nerfed enemy stats, they fill the job boards with easy to access licenses for insane stats - you will probably come out of lhusu mines with max turn speed and more bonus hp than base hp, without even trying. They also provide new ranks of endgame equips and then throw bith the old endgame and new endgame equips at you in the main path of lategame dungeons, rather than any need to actually hunt and grind for them which gated their access in the original.
>SE doesnt patch in the switch features on the other versions
>they do
It's a PS2 port.
it just got the update too
Zodiac Age gives you everything that you need to play the game however the heck you want for difficulty and challenge. Its the best version to play if you want to play FF12
>Job system
>Tier 2 jobs you can pick or choose not to for each character
>New game+ mode to keep stats
>New game- mode to stay at minimum level
>Trial mode to break the game if that's your thing
You can sculpt the game to be as challenging or easy or fun as you seem fit
Wow, never expected that.
Gives me an excuse to finish it again.
>complaining about optional things
time to grow up, user
they just added it on PS4 too
Just for the higher fps alone it's worth it and you can unlock the camera's auto follow function. The ps2 version feels janky to go back to. You also have mods on PC, although a few might be broken currently.
I think the game is pretty based honestly. Super comfy game, I've been going at it for 120 hours since quarantine and it has been a blast.
Just don't go full autismo and fully automate everything and put yourself some limits
Apparently they removed steam_api64.dll too so that'll be another update later :^)