the battlesystem in this game is unironically stolen from NinoKuni. why are neckbeards losing their shit?
The battlesystem in this game is unironically stolen from NinoKuni. why are neckbeards losing their shit?
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Ni-no-Kuni's battle system is standing in a corner and telling your monster to do something and hope it does it.
That's not this battle system.
It's literally Crisis Core with attack cooldowns instead of AP.
ninokunny what?
That's incorrect
It's actually FFXV meets Dissidia meets Kingdom Hearts meets Crisis Core meets FF Type-0 meets Chain of Memories.
why did sephiroth spoil Aeriths death less than an hour into the "remake"?
>the battle system is shit
>why are people upset
At end game it's foregoing pets and spamming spells while munching on items to regain your mp.
He's not. He was just talking about how much he enjoyed killing Cloud's mom
Because it already happened, the game is a sequel.
his hand is literally on aerith shoulder while he says "you can't save anyone"
To pause the time. He was looking at Cloud the entire time.
Everybody and their mother knows what happens. It's why the entire game went the HISTORY NIGGAS fanfication route in the first place.
lmao oh I guess that makes much more sense. stupid me for thinking he would be referencing her death at her introduction scene
Why do so few people compare it to Parasite Eve's combat system? It's clearly PE1's combat system.
the guy above you said it wasn't about her death though. he was only talking about clouds mom apparently
It's clearly got Pong's combat system since it requires player input to play.
Shitty XV combat system
gayest fucking shti
Nigga everybody and they mom knew about that shit
My mother does not know what happened and neither do zoomers who got this game because it's the next big heavily marketed game.
That sounds more like XV.
But place spells with grenades and munching on times to regain your mp to Chugging down potions to heal.
Why did Sephiroth spoil the death of a character that happened in the first game in this sequel?
shills keep telling me its not a sequel though
If it were it'd be called "Part 2" not "Remake"
then why is sephiroth talking about things that happened last game?
It's just FFVII meets Neon Genesis Evangelion and it's movies.
What happened with NGE and it's movies is 100% how they handled FFVIIR.
The events of the TV show and end of eva alreayd happened and the events of the movie slap you in the face that they happened while retelling the story with slight changes.
FFVIIR. Same shit. Aerith knowing she dies. Telling Cloud not to fall in love with her. tries to keep the flow of events on course. Sephiroth knowing what happens, instill fear into cloud so he is over protective. Tries to con them into fighting the Whispers. So that he doesn't Die and manages to win in the end. Other than that and the nods to this shit having already happened. It tries to do the events of the original justice.
Could you imagine if Disney went this route with all those shitty live action remakes?
>Everyone knows mufasa dies! Might as well have scars ghost show up at the movie and tell simba the second hes born!
No. Shitposters are trying to tell you it's not a sequel. They are pissy puritans that don't like what fact it isn't a remake. That they can't understand that the Word Remake in FFVIIR isn't tellling you it's remake but telling you the game is about remaking something. Making it a sequel.
little girls unironically have better entertainment standards than squeenix drones apparently
Fucking Nomura
no, it's only the people defending 7r that says it's not a sequel. quit making things up
What drives "meta" tards like you? Lack of brain cells? What makes you think anything meta is instantly smart?
Not even fucking close. Stay mad.
That's blatantly manipulative advertising. Borderline illegal.
It's not, but it IS still retarded.
This is the only good thing to come out of the game.
Why is his voice so autistic when he's a kid
As someone playing Ni no Kuni right now, what the fuck is OP talking about?