>Every single currently available MMO is either dead, casualized dogshit, massively underfunded, or just plain ol' fucking boring
What the fuck happened to this genre? Why did it crash and burn so damn hard?
Every single currently available MMO is either dead, casualized dogshit, massively underfunded...
themepark idiots who just want a coop game with a really big lobby took over the target audience
Rising costs of game production and the fact Everquest/WoW formula was fucked from the start.Turns out producing trash content that everybody rushes through is not a sustainable model.
go play osrs and fuck around in the wilderness if you think every mmo is casualized garbage
I wish BDO wasn't p2w bullshit that's literally impossible to catch up in unless you grind 10 hours per day for 2 years (this is not an exaggeration).
If it was just comfy grindan with open world pvp, it'd be a god tier MMO.
From a pure gameplay perspective, MMOs are dogshit. From a storytelling perspective, they're also dogshit.
They're really just glorified chat rooms
What could have been
eve would be good if they made a new one that could just play big battles and not have to slow down everything
shameless greed. the people willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for extra quests/races/cash items/inventory,bank,character slots upgrades and whatnot are a minority
The niche became mainstream and then it became about pleasing the widest audience possible to reap the most money for least reward instead of different visions attracting more niche audiences for a small yet sustainable playerbase. I also blame the Christmas of Jedi on it, since it started the major trend of gutting perfectly servicable games into retooled theme parks that aped the WoW formula without any understanding of why that works for WoW but not other games.
I'll have to disagree since that's the beauty of EVE in that it allows even potato hardware players a chance to be a part of the big battles by utilizing time dialation or whatever CCP refers to it as when certain sections of the game become extremely combat heavy.
read the post again numbnuts
It was a fad for a while to be into MMOs, and all that, but consoles won the multiplayer game race, social media won the social game, so most MMOs are just cesspools of retards and incels like Asmondgold. When you realize that...why bother? Because some fat greasy stain can judge you for not no-lifing the right pixels to be part of his sad "big dick" posse? Fatty, please.
LOL. MMO's are 2000-2010. It's 20 fucking 20. MMOs are just cash grabs now. Any time I run into the WOW community, I'm just reminded how fucking sad the whole thing is now. Those fuckers will take ANY abuse from Blizzard devs, and pay for it - and berate anyone who isn't properly grateful. Few MMOs are any better. I can't stand weeb shit, so fuck you with your FFX bullshit, in advance.
I mean, I just can't wait to pay $15 a month to be grateful a bunch of dipshits in SoCal are giving me back basic talents they took away from me, in Shadowlands. Aren't the Blizzard devs such good guys? Right? Right? Anyone? Hello?
The only people dumber and more gullible than WOW players is Fallout 76 customers. Dumb cunts.
>themepark masturbation
>"we've designed a WoW-killer!"
>"no one wants to play non-combat classes and careers, just remove those"
>P2W schemes and awful subscription models
>bad writers, unoriginal settings, boring character creation
>and incels like Asmondgold
regardless of your personal opinions on the dude, he has a girlfriend and that by very fucking definition of the word means he's not an incel.
Blame WoW for destroying MMOs for everyone.
WoW up to WotLK was great tho.
No, he doesn't, his paid for girlfriend dumped his ass, stupid. Try to keep up. I fucking loathe that skinny freak, and even i know that - and that he stopped streaming because his fucking teeth were falling out.
"B-but the definition of incel -" Shaddap, neckbeard. He's a fucking loser, and so are you. You probably jerk off in his chat while he's going INVITE ME TO THE GROUP INVITE ME TO THE GROUP INVITE ME TO THE GROUP.
Him, and everyone involved with him, make every WOW player look bad by association. Him and his fanfags are the best reason to never go near that old, played out game. You want more opinions of that malnourished balding dropout out who paid an ethot to pretend to be his girlfriend? Because I got plenty more.
Mmo, rts, fps, fuck gaming in general is now about making money, going public. Fuck the end product. How can we beat LITERALLY every penny we can out of this.
And people keep buying. And they keep producing. And all we do is consume dogshit.
Do you get paid by the buzzword?
are there any other types of games where I can create a customized character, unlock unique gear, costumes and have unique builds?
MMOs were never good. No, your favorite from the 90s wasn't good either.
Push away from time investment into mmos and make it a streamlined experience. Anyone playing mmos now are about 15years too late to experience its golden era.
No, it was not, it was always bad, it was only popular because it had the warcraft name and lore, it was just as bad as all the wow clones it spawned and is the reason MMOs are shit today.
literally dark souls
>What the fuck happened to this genre?
Companies realized they cant compete with old established MMOs that already have 15~20 year's worth of content.
That's why everyone still plays
>WoW and/or it's private servers
>FFXI and/or it's private servers
>Ragnarok Online private servers
>Everquest or p99
>Runescape or OSRS
>Eve Online
I'd love to play an mmo that didn't use wows gameplay format but I feel like those are long gone. FFXI had really weird fucking gameplay and managed to have a really good story but I dunno if I wanna pay a sub just to play a single player game
This. I've been looking for something like this but with dungeon crawler elements to it
This wave of stupid took over the entire genre, and now both devs and communities are convinced that they want their endgame content to be raids and dungeons. If any MMO still existed where the endgame was mobbing instead of trying to put timed instant kill punish mechanic micro-minigame shit on grind, there would be a good MMO left in the world.
>try to keep up
imagine beeing up to date on the RL of a e-celeb
It went from a 3/10 at best to a 1/10.
the people that hate something almost always know more about it than the ones that love it. that's why atheists are able to recite bible verses to casual christians about fucking children or killing people and shit
I'm locked the fuck down in this dumb ass pandemic, I know more shit about more useless online drama shit than I need. I even watched that fucktwat The Quartering because someone told me he was bullying girls online again. But keep thinking you had a point, you're either that loser Zack, or one of his jerk offs from his chat, who doesn't see the obvious financial arrangement that was with that butter faced ethot.
Clean your room and then kys
Realm of the mad god is unironically the best mmo I've played in recent years. It's a shame the player base is so small though, I'm not sure how much longer it can survive.
user, the playerbase is bigger than ever thanks to Realm Exalt.
Rogues kind of do this nowadays, and ARPGs are doing the same with all the Diablo clones hitting the market by this point in time.
Part of the problem of this "Silver Age" so to speak of MMOs is that there are so many genres now created from the rift of olden MMOs that there doesn't need to be a subscription model for some of them, making it where they live and die by dev support while the product is considered profitable. So many early access games are a result of this new model of development that merely offer what was once popular in the past. Last Oasis / Life Is Feudal and a ton more fit this bill.
The moment MMOs started embracing the single player experience they went to the shitter.
I haven't played in months due to having a baby, please enlighten me