You're here to play with Big Brother today?

>You're here to play with Big Brother today?
>Sorry user, we're supposed to be socially distancing
What do

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Throw a rock through my mate's window and tell him to let me in.

I toss that little bitch out of the damn house and go game with my homie.

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Mating press his little sister


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why are real children not as hot as anime children?

Close the gap with my dick on her puss

>I have a gun

I want to talk to your big sister actually.

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Woman here

Have sex

men here
don’t have sex

bend over

Does this chloroform smell like a rag?

you keep telling us to have sex but you never offer it

Ah shit, i already had it
What do?

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maybe I will

man here,stop thinking about sex all the day fucking whore

>reverse loli

Tell her that social distancing is a spook.

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Tell her that i need to check the radiation levels in her house

You want me to put on my mask?
Will you care who I am, then?

Anime children have a lot of purely adult, feminine features that indicate sexual maturity so you can fuck them without being fucked in the head.
Wide hips, budding breasts, teenager level build (longer arms, legs, etc), toned/meaty thighs and upper arms, smaller shoulders in relation to the rest of their complextion, and more. Basically, anime kids are drawn in a way to make it clear that they're reading for breeding, unlike real ones. Depends on the artist, but most (aka the non pedos) follow these patterns.
This is unironically the one and true reason why the argument that loli=pedo is retarded.

Haha very funny my cute imouto, how could you not recognize your big brother

'oh boy, is that what the Jews have you believing now?'

Why won't anyone have sex with me

based and stirnerpilled

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>that manga with the little girl paying someone to be her big brother
gud manga


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real people dont look like aliens either

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yikes, how does it feel to know you're already past your prime?

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Do asian children really refer to their siblings as "big/little" "brother/sister"?



Pat my little sister on the head and give her a special dessert for shooing away my "friend."

The onii-chan is for rental.

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Sure. I’m always one to keep harm from coming to children

You just opened the door and I'm this close. Get fucked, we're playing Time Splitters you cunt

Wow that's retarded.

It's because they all look the same, have to be clear to everyone else what their relationship is.

I like where you're going with this. Just need to work on the delivery a bit

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>"you're a big bro"
>"for you"


What an absolute god tier doujin

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"I'm scheduled to hang out with the masked man"

"..big bro?"


"okay stay right here i'll call him down."

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