>Anime PFP
>Has the extra bio textbox on profile
>Links to his Discord
>Vaporwave aesthetic
>Does the empty imagebox meme
>CSGO, Dota 2, PUBG, or some VN in top played

Attached: 70961016_2388176414778414_5451990841842177855_n.jpg (1440x1800, 300.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Posts tranny shit on Yas Forums

he's gonna take you back to the past~

Natalie is the perfect woman.

>plays vidoegajems

i can't get off to him, his dick looks like it got run over

>fucks niggers
>has a gross chud dick that looks like somebody mushed it

yea na

>red flag
Making a red flag thread in Yas Forums while posting a dumb whore.

>his profile image is a piss drinking tranny
did your father not beat you enough?

nobody will care when you die, racist.

That’s a dude?

gaymer moment

Bite me faggot. Rate my profile.

Attached: A_kiss_from_princess_bubblegum_by_sircinnamon-d4pnkcd.png (3250x3537, 382.76K)

you cant tell by his jaw and giant ears?

yes user you have been jerking off to a tranny thought the dick made it obvious

what is this current obsession with posting natalie mars? you guys just into bdsm huge insertion shemale porn or something?


Bitch has stevedore shoulders. And for such a large body she's got a small ass.

With make up yes

neither you tranny

>This tranny gets married to a biological female
>No female will even talk to you


looks too manly

Attached: DorM4VqU8AEfnAW.jpg (900x1200, 176.82K)

Steam profile green flags
>Profile picture is unrelated to internet culture
>Plays mostly singleplayer games
>Few to no profile comments
>Has every achievement in a dark souls game
>Recent activity in a game made before 2005
>Under steam level 20

You know all this because you're probably one of these weirdos

She once said on her twitter she thinks scat is "kinda hot" and her satanist wife has videos of herself shitting on guys so its shit eating actually

sounds like a gay dude with a lisp being strangulated and is a whiny bitch

>short hair now
nah dude I need long luscious hair

What's wrong with having csgo as a top played you faggot little Silver

what's wrong with vaporwave?

This is literally the first time I’ve ever seen this person
Make-up is like some kind of magic I swear

it's long now tho

Attached: EVQVGyNUUAE5Jwm.jpg (1536x2048, 564.62K)

When is she changing the camp gay man voice and the bitchy attitude


Attached: 1585351675843.png (1801x601, 135.69K)

time to crank it

when you have sex, incel

Look at those massive feet

That ain't him. No way that's him.

I like Natalie's weird dick. From a certain angle the head looks like a horse cock.

Holy shit. Thank you for ruining it for me. Now I never need to look it up again

Attached: 1584606224432.jpg (640x480, 40.48K)

Just wait till you hear her man voice

Look at those massive feet