It's been like four and a half years

It's been like four and a half years
Am I allowed to like undertale now?

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It was pretty kino for a low budget indie game, I don't know why Yas Forums hates it.

yeah cause people outside Yas Forums aren't as enthusiastic about it

It's not that the game was hated so much as it was the rabid fanbase, who were only rabid because it was novel, were hated.

Not only can you start saying you like it, but you can also now say you liked it before it became cool!

Attached: Burgerpants3.gif (148x147, 15.56K)

I want to fuck Chara/Frisk

Well, it was liked on here when it came out, but then it got popular with the normal fags. Which caused Yas Forums to despise. It's even more insulting that Toby purposefully went on this board to shill his new game. So far it worked and he's a rich faggot because of this.

the same thing happened with undertale that happened with rick and morty
the community completely tainted it

It's the contrarian nature of the board. Something gets overhyped by ledditors so Yas Forums acts like it's total shit. In reality Undertale is a solid 7. The music is great and it explores some interesting storytelling concepts but it's fairly shallow and the puzzles suck.

Yas Forums was one of the only ones who cared when the demo was released all thoae years ago and actively talked about it a whole two weeks up to its official release. Hell I think the sans has a ghost dick thing started from a drawfag in one of the threads. It's just that reddit got its hands on it and tumblr started making everyone a translesbian muslim that Yas Forums dropped it.

No, it's tranny bullshit
>You are bad for killing pixels
Shit game

>Murder is wrong

the actual moral is
>You are bad for killing pixels and actively choosing to leave them dead when you can undo it

But they are pixels
Fucking pixels
People are way too sentimental nowadays

You are allowed to like bad games. They are still bad and your opinion wrong.

If you can't empathize with fictional characters than you are literally autistic.

*pats you on the back* there there. who hurt you, sweetie?

A lack of empathy is not something to brag about.

It weirds me out that this game has attracted such longevity in discussion. It's an incredibly short game. The level design is mostly just walking in a straight line. The puzzles are more simple than what you can find in internet flash games. It's basically a 3 hour walking sim with some bullet games, but people are insanely passionate about it and this confuses me.

Because contrarians hate games that got popular and unable to enjoy anything because "le fanbase ruined it"

Actually it is. Empathy is poison. Rational compassion is something to brag about.

Gaster and the timeline stuff made up the spark for the glorious speculation/AU trash fires

It's literally just because of the music. Music can keep people's attention a lot longer than gameplay. You'll still to this day get people making threads about the music in DKC2 and the Pokemon games. Because music doesn't get boring from rehearing it in the same way other things do. This game had good music, people keep listening to it which keeps it in their minds. I would argue most of the most memorable games have great music.

a good amount of people on Yas Forums liked it, even recently, the Deltarune threads for example were very active for a pretty good amount of time, its just not the thing you can discuss for that long, so of course the shitposters will outweigh anything positive

Obvious bait is obvious senpai

Uhg, finally some one who gets it.

>rational compassion
>throwing out tranny buzz word and calling a game shit because it gives a message you dont like

Aesthetic was looted from Cave Story. Bastard plagiarist with no shame. Die.

Undertale can basically be divided into 6 parts.
1.The Music
2.The bullethell RPG battle system
3.The dialogue
4.The puzzles
5.The story
6. Meta concepts

The music is great
The battle system is fine, but overrated
The dialogue is hit or miss, Papyrus is great some of the other characters are annoying
The puzzles are god awful
The story is terrible
The meta elements seem like they're going to build into something interesting but they don't

Overall it's worth playing but not replaying. It's a one and done. Pump and dump.

Anything connected to Homosuck in any way is shit.

Because it got really popular elsehwere and Yas Forums is full of contrarians who judge games based on their fanbase rather than the game itself.

I agree with your analysis but there are more aspects that I think deserve criticism as well.

Just because empathy is alien to you doesn't make it a bad thing.

Yeah, it's been long enough. I give you a pass OP.

People only liked this game because of the porn, nothing else.

The game has lots of theory bait, while also genuinely having an extremely large amount of hidden/optional dialogue that builds characterization, humor, worldbuilding, etc. An example of this is when you "date" Papyrus, he tries to be a good host when you visit his house and rushes over to whatever room you're in, if you rapidly switch between rooms he eventually comments that you're tiring him out and stops. There's a pretty high amount of things that won't necessarily happen in a normal playthrough that lots of people talked about at first. People also really liked the characters, which pretty much sparks lots of shit like fanfiction, theories, memes, fanart, r34 etc.

More people on Yas Forums have completed Undertale than Earthbound:
So yeah, go right ahead.

No one forces you to socialize or associate with those people. Hating on media because of its fanbase is such a stupid thing to do.
For example raceswap loving Netflix cunts flooded Witcher fanbase, doesn't make me like games and books less. Sure it might be annoying when the news and search results give you Netflix first but it's not the end of the world.

Because I didn't have fun playing it. This mild dislike turned into full-blown hatred due to my being constantly labeled as a "contrarian" for having a different opinion, as if that means I'm somehow wrong.

Perhaps, but it's folly to chase after something which is incompatible with your being.

>Rational compassion
>can't comprehend why a video game has characters react negatively to you killing their friends and family

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>need to have fun in order to game be good
What is this the 80's? We playing Frogger and Pacman now?

>One character is literally a walking gag
>The brother of that character is the 'funny and mysterious man'
>Literally a lizard weeb
>Hypocrite lady goat that probably is into /ss/
>The husband of that goat is a pussy and a failure to his people
>The lady fish is gay and thinks anime is real
>Bayonetta but is a robot dude
>A pathetic ghost
>Flower that wants to kill everyone but don't wants to die
>The complete form of the flower is the child of the goats and is a pussy like the father
Yeah, pretty good characters we got here.

Stop calling it that. Bullet hell implies that it's hard. It's just a shoot em up without the shooting.


Undertale babies are obnoxious I agree. They always do the same strawmans, it's so lame.

Except Rick and Morty is incredibly unfunny and it picked up the fanbase of Big Bang Theory as a result.

I thought that getting emotionally invested in video games was the autistic thing?

It's easy to shit on it, and I like shitting on things because I'm a contrarian. I don't care about your opinions. It's a game for redditors and discord trannies.

Yas Forums isn't a collective, but it should be known that most people on here are contrarians or try to conform so hard to the culture set here they'll blindly hate popular games.

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>implies that it's hard
>what is sans?

It's a balance. There's "Unable to empathize with fictional characters at all" which is autistic
There's "Able to empathize, but also able to separate yourself from fiction" which is normal
And then "Empathize too much to the point it affects your life" which swings back to autistic.

like what you like, don't Yas Forums affect your opinions without well-thought out and presented arguments

Megalovania is still pretty good

Megalovania is overrated

>one optional boss that is partially fought in platformer gameplay defines the entire game's genre as being a bullet hell

maybe, but that doesn't make it bad

You are making them look bad.
They are not bad.

Megalovania is a gift that keeps giving.