Favorite new vegas weapon?
Favorite new vegas weapon?
You posted it
-get 50 melee, pump AGI and all the AP perks
-spam Mauler to do some WICKED SICK air juggles
more of a flamy saturnite fist, myself
i fucking hate how bethesda ruined powergloves in 4
fucked unarmed altogether. it worked so well in vegas thanks to the techniques like preatorian charge and that scribe counter
this baby on any build is a great melee weapon
this baby on a dedicated melee build will rend the mojave in twain
Do you like DPS?
You mean the construction fist? Lmao
The whole level up/skills/perks mish mash of shit didn't help either.
>fucking destroying the Divide's deathclaw hyper-radiated pit with Two-Step
Fucking loved that glove.
hate how bethesda ruined fallout in 3
Sniper Rifle Sneak Criticals are so broken its not even funny.
>the Divide's deathclaw hyper-radiated pit
small time shitters. try the real deathclaw MVP
man fuck that snappy little cunt
I Don't even remember If you can wear Power fist using Power armor but somehow I'm extremely pissed for not having memory of charging and mauling enemies with my walking tank fists.
you can't but you can upgrade the power armor arms to do a bit more unarmed damage
holy fuck how is it that bad
>unusable in power armor
>no unarmed special techniques
>only like one variety of power glove compared to the dozens upon dozens in NV
of all of the shit wrong with FO4 this is what killed the game for me
Just wait till you see the application of skills
Oh now i remember. That damage was SHIT and turned me off Power fisting unless I was hopped in thousands of drugs.
how long is that?
post that too
>not being a drug addled one punch man
>forgetting literally pocket sand
Fist of the North Rawr
Elijah’s laser gun thing was dope
heated saturnite fist
I love that pistol. Shame that 12.7 mm pistol sucks in this game
Why do the guns looks like scifi-shit in 4? Both of these are assault rifles and yet both are so fucking different
that silly thing doesn't look sci-fi, they copied some old ass machine gun
>Why do the guns looks like scifi-shit in 4?
gauss rifle
Yes yes we are all here for our hourly jack each other off over our polished turd NV that can do no wrong
This beauty