Low-key one of the best game ever made

low-key one of the best game ever made
>amazing level design
>amazingly fluid controls
>wall run
>just the right amount of crap to collect
>just the right amount of weapons and spells to upgrade
>amazing presentation / story / music etc.
>normal difficulty is Dark Souls level
>came a good 7 years before games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Nioh etc. became popular
Shame the sequels weren't nearly as good (2 was decent, 3 was garbage)
I feel sorry for anyone who has never played this game, also shame there's no PC port

Attached: 98870.png (220x266, 119.58K)

I still give myself a pretentious giggle whenever someone says dark souls is hard but they'd likely get put on ninja dog mode after 10 minutes of Ninja Gaiden.

Playing it on the Xbox was the best decision I ever made.

Now Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the PS3 on the other hand

NG2 was better. Don't you even dare cry about the exploding shurikens, you filtered pleb.

Games like this remind me of the times when costumes were a reward for being good at the game rather than just microtransactions

not even close

loki, one of the best game ever made

Attached: 220px-Loki_(video_game).jpg (220x311, 37.76K)

What’s wrong with the PS3 version? It’s been perfectly fine for me.

I hope we can all agree that Ninja Gaiden Black is the definitive version.

>amazing level design
You're already wrong. The levels in NG1 are dogshit.

you're describing me, user with a name

i miss the hub and zelda-lite design of Black. And the ost is amazing.

there's nothing wrong with the levels in NG1.

I enjoy action games like DMC, Bayonetta, Souls. But none of them can scratch that action game itch like Ninja Gaiden does. It's just on an entirely different level. I think it's literally the best action game ever made. An absolutely phenomenal masterpiece.

I'd contend DMC3 comes close but yeah it's one of my favorite games period.

maybe it's because I just finished Nioh where every level feels the fucking the same

Is there a way to play this besides original xbox?

The forced Rachel levels. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with Sigma 1. I actually like Sigma better than NG1 vanilla due to the extra NG2 style blood & gore that sticks on the walls & floors. I'd agree with that other user had he said that NG2 Sigma was trash coz it is. They basically turned NG2 into a shitty Jrpg with only 3 enemies at a time, rather than the hordes that the 360 version had.

you could download it on the 360

Fuck. Guess i gotta get a 360 now

Fairly sure you can get it on XBOne as well

Can you emulate it yet? Or are we still fucked because of pic related?

Attached: reddit_xbox_devkit.png (1080x1920, 1.32M)

Fuck off.

Xbox emulation still has a long way to go. Best option you have right now is Sigma on RPCS3.

> TFW Snoys said the power of the cell will NEVER EVER be emulated
> TFW it's emulated and the first gen Xbox still isn't
What went wrong?


This decent post was ruined because you said zoomer shit like "low key", I'm a mutt with nigger and spic friends but I don't say that shit and neither should anyone who wishes to survive and thrive on this planet

You're a fucking retard.

I actually hesitated to use that, but it was between "low-key" or "game that is not generally cited as one of the best game of all time"
it's purely for efficiency
maybe I should have used "humbly", or does that sound gay as well?

xbox 360, xbox one, xbox series x.

>amazing presentation / story / music etc.

This is one of its more underappreciated aspects.

It doesn't, DMC3 has some of the worst enemy designs in action games and to compare it to something like NG:B is laughable. Action games like NGB get better as you climb difficulty while DMC3 fundamentally gets worse because the devs at the time had no fucking clue how to actually make a difficult game without making some of the most nauseating enemy designs to ever grace the genre.

There is plenty wrong with Sigma aside from the Rachel sections. That's just the immediate issue. The changed berserker behavior, extra load screens, removed nunchaku past normal difficulty, no lunar starts on VH or MN, rehashed bosses added for filler like the one you fight heading towards the military outpost, bosses designed to be lost which make no damage runs impossible like the joint Ishtaros and Nicchae fight as Rachel, areas that have broken collision and hit registration like the stadium challenge area you fight Doku where if you stand in certain parts of the map, you can't do any damage. These are just off the top of my head after playing it on RPCS3. It's overall an inferior experience but one that is still worth playing if you can't get an Xbox.